
Jun 28, 2008 00:24

Ummmmmmmmm ok. I did have a point to posting... oh yeah. Funny stories from today. :)

We left Grandma and Grandpa's around one today, and while K was packing the car, she found Evren sitting in there, so she took his hand and said, "Hey, bud, let's go inside now, k?" She eventually ended up carrying him inside, but when he made a move to get down, she said, "C'mon, noodleface, inside!" and he goes, "Pasta?" Soooooo cute! And so awesome! I'm so impressed with his communication skills, non-verbal and speech-wise. He doesn't say swing, but he says "whhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee!" cuz that's the sound K makes when she pushes him. In addition to milk, he also asked me for "pee-bah" (peanut butter). I <3

Then we did drive home. This was not a funny story, because it involved a bunch of rain and stupid people at McDonalds. Yuck. And my brother forgetting twice in a row that BBQ usually is spicy.

Then dinner at Panera. Yum. The lady sitting next to us... yikes, I felt bad for her. Ev and K were fighting, and my mom was frustrated... The lady was amused, though, and said they reminded her of her and her sister. (her her her...) Anyway, as we were leaving, K said to me, "I liked that lady. She thought we were funny! ...Clearly, she's never really met us." :D Clearly.

Then youth group. Lessons learned: Rain is wet. Collin is a saint (not really) cuz he adopted Ev for the night. Fudgesicles are yummy. Paint doesn't dry when it's humid. There was almost a flood in Huron county last night (sort of. There might have been, if it had kept raining). Latex paint is water-based, and it will wash out of your shirt. Connie and I are messy :) . Scraping paint out of a paint tray with a nametag or two while trying not to paint your whole self white can make your back hurt. White paint on black nail polish looks silly. My sister can be a twit.

Home, NUMB3RS, shower, putting moth outside cuz that's where it should be--not in my bathroom, bed. :)

Last thought: I've been posting... A LOT recently. I kinda like it. Sorry for cluttering y'all's friend pages and inboxes. :) Love you!


edit: P.S. Also I watched a Scrubs ep that had some ASL in it last night. (Max: Oh! Look, ASL! Watch!!!) It was amusing. :) [I've never seen Scrubs in my life. It looks so dumb...]

cousins, paint, umyf, family, asl, pasta

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