Thank you

Jun 26, 2008 22:37 whoever left the toilet seat up. whoever took all the toilet paper. whoever took my pillow out of my room and put a whole in it, so the beads spilled all over, made a mess, and now I have no pillow to hold tonight. who/whatever's making my back, ankle, and (knee) hurt so bad.
It's fantastic. :)

On a totally different note...
Ben is so cute. Ev and David (and sometimes Abi) play a game they made up called Doomsday (Yeah. Little boys, whaddya want?), and Ben could not understand that it was a make-believe game. He kept looking for it in the game cupboard, and when I tried to help David explain that it wasn't in there, that it was in their heads, he looked me dead on and said, "Guys, games cannot be in people's head. Where is it?" So we kept trying, saying it was a pretending game and that they made it up, and he goes, "But guys, games do not fit in people's head!" So cute... plus his voice is just so slow and deliberate. He really doesn't get the make-believe idea, cuz later when they were playing Doomsday, Ev wanted the Uno cards on the floor to be "lava", and Ben goes, "Guys, those are not lava. They are UnoSpin cards. They are black Draw-4 cards. They are not lava."

Anyway... time for cute stories (I hope) and sleeping.


P.S. K's got strep. First time in a long time. She used to have it multiple times in a year, but then she stopped getting it. She's miserable, though, and she kept getting put at the end of the line at the urgent care... :( *sends K waves of health*

cousins, annoyed, rant, family, sick

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