
Jun 28, 2008 22:49

Wow, what a day. :)

I actually woke up this morning, which was nice, even though I was up late last night. We got to church a little after 10:00 for SummerFest, this giant carnival thing we have every year to raise money for our Youth Mission Trip. It was nice. I directed chairs and tables/helped get them and move them. (I felt bad for the couple getting married inside while we were setting up. We were all so loud... It was kind of fun, though, cuz we saw them come out to their car, and we all clapped and cheered. :D)

Then Anita, Jane, and I (and a few others) designed the prize board, and Dana and Diana helped us put it together. There were soooooooo many people in there sometimes, though, and all Ev wanted to do was play with the prizes. Grrrrrarrrr! Lunch was good, air conditioning was good (it was sooooooo humid). Then we just sorta wandered around and did stuff until other people got there/got back. (Some people went home for a couple hours after lunch, but I stayed and was anal with the prizes. Yay! Anita and I are the queens.)

Then there was a HUGE rainstorm. The wind blew chairs over, and the water was falling from the sky in torrents. It was a mess. Caitlin, Jane, Mel, Mack, Chuck [:)], and eventually Dana and Diana all went out a played in the rain and puddles. It was great, except for when we realized that we had painted a bunch of the signs with Crayola washable paints. Good job, guys: water soluble paints in a rainstorm. Yay!! *facepalm* good news for my shirt, though, cuz the orange paint tube/brush/thing exploded on me... :)

The rain let up basically by the time people got there, and it was fun. Curt wouldn't let Jane and me work the prize table, which made me really sad, but I managed to get an hour of face-painting :) and then somehow and hour of "Foam Bowling". That was *such* a bust, cuz the nerf ball was lighter than a single nerf bowling pin, so you couldn't really knock much over. OOPS! And my back hurt from bending over to reset the pins so much.

Mel conned me into the pie snarf contest, which was really fun, actually, except I swallowed some air, which hurt. :( But the French silk pie was yummy. :D It was such a mess. :) And then Alex was there!! Yay! Haven't seen him since school let out, and before that not since... last summer. He and Jane and I had fun. Also Chris was there, and he made a sign that said "Marry me, Bobby" (I think) as a joke cuz ACS was playing a "one-stop reunion tour". :)

Then some clean-up, Mom dragging us out early, and bed. Yay. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


weather, summerfest, paint, mess, church, rain, ocd

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