(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 21:30

Ugh, babysitting again, only this time at...7 frickin' 45!! Oh well, done now. :) Puellae vicinae erant...lovely, as usual.

I was supposed to sleepover somewhere tonight, or have somebody here. *sigh* That didn't happen. I feel really bad for kinda ruining Mom and Dad's week-off-from-kids, but I really don't cause that much trouble! I'm completely capable of caring for myself! Oh well...

Wahhhh. *bawls* RENT is SO sad!! It's the sweetest movie *ever*, and the music was awesome, but it's so sad!!! Not a good movie to watch alone. T_T

Oh, by the way, Harry Potter 4 is an amazing movie, especially when you skip half the scenes. =P Good times...

Mom, "so at least you weren't alone *all* day, even when you wanted to be." ??? What's *that* supposed to mean??

I called Silvi earlier to see if I could hang out with her tonight as a favor to my parents, but she had a soccer game and practice in the morning. :( BUT, she said tomorrow afternoon for sure! YAYAY!! Hopefully I'll actually be able to talk to her. That would be pretty amazing.

[Commercial break while I go photocopy stuff before mi parentes come home with the dog]

Guess what? I'm back! Did you miss me? Well, it didn't work. They got home before I got done. Oh well. Tomorrow morning.

Meus carus revenit domum! Eum vidisti!! *grins like a fool* Erat valde bonum.

I feel like I'm doing 2 things right now: switching topics ridiculously much, and forgetting something really important.

OH! We have a new car!! Well, minivan. It's REALLY pretty. It's light-bluish silver, and I really like it. Too bad we were at the dealership for 2.5 hours to get it though...

Ooh! Book rec! Twilight and New Moon. (sorry I don't know the author.) But they are aMAZing books. REALLY really good.

Alright, enough for tonight. Promisi me dormitura esse.


Oh yeah, one more thing: it rained today!!!! Huzzah!

add, car, books, silvi, hp, rent, babysitting, rain

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