No, I did not fall off the face of the planet...

Jul 22, 2007 13:57

Um...*thinks* jeez, when did I last update this thing?? *goes to look*  Ah. Quite a while ago. In that case...

I ended up going with Silvi to see Harry Potter the next night after I called her, and I ran into crazy_tory, fantwurm, and a friend of theirs I've been wanting to meet. We all ended up having ice cream together afterward, which was REALLY fun. The movie was pretty good. I saw it again that Saturday with my family, and it was even better the second time around. Yay!

Also that Saturday Mom and Dad and I went to go see Kai, who was just home from the hospital. He was SOOOOOOOOOO cute! Albeit a little orange/jaundiced, but still just *gorgeous*. I'm so happy for his parents!

Then we took off early Sunday morning, stopped by camp to pick up stuff my siblings left, met my grandparents to give them the dog, ate ice cream at Dairy Queen, and headed off to Seven Springs to meet my dad's family. We were the first ones there, so we checked in and waited for everyone.

All in all, vacation was good. I didn't see as much of my uncle as I would've liked because his friend was sick and couldn't do much. I did get to see my cousin who got married a couple years ago, though, and that was really happy. I *even* got a lot of sleep. Yay! However...I did get nicely sunburnt when we went whitewater rafting...yuck. It's mostly better now, 'cept for my right arm peeling...oh well. At least it doesn't hurt. We also went to Falling Water, which was REALLY cool. I was kinda tired, though, and I really wanted to sit on the furniture. :'( oh well.

Ummm, let's see, what else... Lincoln came over for a sleepover when we got back on Thursday. We worked out all the signing for church...and watched Ellen Degeneres...and then it was 3 AM... We did the signing today, though, and it wasn't that bad. We're also going to set up a playdate for her brother and mine. That should be fun. Yu-gi-oh! Poker! *sigh*

Next morning.........oy. Got up and went to counsel day camp, just like I did last Friday. This time I remembered a lunch, but also this time...well, Teddy being clingy was not helpful, George was better than I remembered him (but apparently worse than the rest of the week), and little Garret lost a tooth when he hit his face on a toy. Lovely. At least it was cool enough we didn't get out the sprinklers. :)

Then marshmallow drop for youth group--yay Apples to Apples! And Imaginiff is pretty cool too. It was great to see Alex. Third time [as challenge parteners] is a charm! Then I came home and my uncle (not the one mentioned above) took me to get Deathly Hallows, I read a chapter, and went to bed. Saturday = the other 35 chapters + playground and ice cream with my little cousin Ella. I was told she looked just like me...ummmmmmmmm...

Oh, and my brother discovered gtalk. WOW. Anyway...


camp, family, brother, silvi, hp, lincoln, gmail, vacation, asl

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