
Jul 02, 2007 12:21

Is anyone gonna be home next week? (Anyone=Melissa and Caelyn, I guess) I was supposed to go to camp TWICE this summer, but both times it got canceled because not enough people registered. (The first time I was the only one.) My mom really wants me to go to a different camp this week, but I don't really wanna go and I'm trying to convince her that I won't blow the house up or anything if she lets me stay home. (Honestly, I'm not my brother!) Also I'm trying to see if there are people around I could hang out with because she thinks I would sit around and do nothing all day, which is not true.

Ok, thanks guys! Sorry for the long rant...

Oh, and it was 60* or something when I woke up, and it's not much warmer now! (Not complaining, just confused and annoyed that I'm getting cold.)

-fin- (for real)

weather, camp, mom

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