"Recced, reccable and possibly reccable" - list: Week 08

Mar 03, 2009 19:09


Safe, Sane, and Consensual, by mithrigil. (England/Japan) -- Notes from the margins of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. - Hard R, for sex and BDSM, as the title implies.
Why: Really, really hot, and the combination really works.

Buffy - 'verse

All Our Exploring, by doyle_sb4. (Spike/Xander; Illyria) -- Spander Inquisition entry. Written for elenabtvs who wanted threats and an acknowledgement of past relationships.
Why: Oh, this is such a beautiful story, dealing with grieving and moving on. I love Xander here, so very him.

Buffy's Other Sister, by ubimod. (Gen; Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn, surprise) -- Prompt: 060 Mary Sue/Gary Stu
Why: This really worked for me, seriously funny.

It's Not, by cordelianne. (Spike/Xander) -- Yep, it’s a routine. And routines are good, right? That’s what Xander tells himself, anyway, because otherwise ... well, it’s better not to dwell.
Why: Xander in a rut and Spike to help him out of it? What's better? Really like the progression of their relationship and their interactions. Love the other characters here too, especially Buffy.

Pons Asinorum, by miriam_heddy. (Spike/Xander) -- The first time was pants.
Why: I love not-perfect sex, and I love unreliable narrators. Oh, this here works so very well together. I love Spike's voice.

Sense and Sensibilities (Objects in the Mirror May Be Closer than They Appear), by reremouse & savoytruffle. (Spike/Xander) -- Early Season 5. Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear.
Why: Really liked this story and how it played out.

Harry Potter

These Things Take Forever, by heather11483. (Dean/Seamus) -- Seamus doesn’t know what this is.
Why: I loved the progression of their relationship, and I adored Seamus' voice here, it ringed very true to me.


the very first Muppet, by spiralsheep. (Gen; Kermit) prompts: the very first Muppet; Muppet religion; Kermit or Rowlf - missing Jim
Why: This is adorable, and hilariously funny, and really original.

Stargate SG-1

From Ashes to Honey, by paian. (Daniel/Sam) -- Prompt: hurt/comfort, something happens to Sam on a mission that she's having trouble dealing with, and Daniel works his way through her defenses (UST or romance, either way)
Why: Oh, this is so Daniel and Sam. And I love the mood running through this story.

Say Rather Farewell, by teand. (team; Daniel/Jack) -- The Stargate program will be shut down.
Why: So very teamy, I love their interaction.

Stargate: Atlantis

Bittersweet Love, by vipersweb. (Emmagan/Kanaan) -- Kanaan has long known Teyla belongs to Atlantis. It doesn't mean he can stop loving her.
Why: Lovely character study of Kanaan.

Expanding Horizons, by ceitie. (Emmagan/Sheppard) -- Written for the prompt: John/Teyla, pegging porn.
Why: Hot and with so much affection between them.

Where the Ways Divide, by vain_glorious. (Gen; Dex, Sheppard) -- They find the Runner on the planet with the deadly sun. He's thin and dirty, and not particularly interested in talking.
Why: A very interesting and heartbreaking 'what if'. Great characterization, especially of Ronon.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, by kroki_refur. (Gen; Dean, Sam) -- Dean sleeps all the time, now. - Post 4x14.
Why: Oh, so heartbreaking. I love the narrative style and Sam's voice.

Vessel, by nwhepcat. (Gen; Castiel, Castiel's Vessel) -- What makes a man so devout he prays to be possessed by an angel of the Lord? A story told in 19 drabbles.
Why: Very intriguing view on the man who became Castiel's vessel.


Torchwood Is No Place for the Weak or Plushy, by misbegotten. (Gen; team) -- Just a normal day at Torchwood, or what counts for normal there.
Why: Hilariously funny.

Zombies, by kiarasayre. (Gen; Owen, team) -- The first time it was a book left on his desk. "The Zombie Survival Guide," it said, and there was a bright orange Post-It on top that said, in Gwen's handwriting, "Too bad it's not written from the zombies' perspective. Thought it might be useful anyway."
Why: Hilariously funny, I laughed so hard I cried.

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Supernatural

I Lost Two Cities, Lovely Ones, by ishie. (Buffy Summers/John Winchester) -- For the One Night Stand ficathon; set several years post-Chosen (BtVS), but still pre-Dead Man's Blood (SPN), with lots of invisible handwaving re: timelines. (Lots and lots.)
Why: Seriously hot, with very believable interaction.

X - Over: Discworld/Torchwood

With a Smile, by marginaliana. (Gen; DEATH, Owen) -- The first time Owen died he made a friend.
Why: Brilliant interaction, this works so well.

X - Over: Eragon/Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Supernatural

C.O.A. (Chosen Ones Anonymous), by tahirire. (Gen; Sam'n'Dean, Frodo'n'Sam, Eragon'n'Roran,Harry'n'Ron) -- Crack. See title.
Why: Hilariously funny. Loved the character interactions.

fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: crossover, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: harry potter, fandom: small fandoms, fandom: stargate sg-1, fandom: supernatural, fandom: anthropomorph, fanfiction - log: 2009, fandom: angel the series, fandom: torchwood, fandom

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