Wednesday Reading Week 3

Jan 16, 2019 22:00

Links go to goodreads:

What I've been reading so far this year

Stephanie Burgis: The Art of Deception.
I loved the books I've read by Burgis so far, and this short story is no exeption. This could really have been longer though, or there should be a sequel. I want to know more about the characters and their world.

Robin Stevens: Jolly Foul Play (Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries #4).
I love this series. I love Hazel even though Daisy rubs me a little the wrong way. I'm not entirely sure why, perhaps because I rather like more empathetic characters.
I liked this book a little better than the third one. The description of the school and its students ring very much true. Even though I didn't go to school in the 30s, am not from England, and didn't go to boarding school, I did go to an all-girls school. So even through the differences this is entirely relatable to me. So looking forward to read the next book.

Martha Wells: Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries #2).
I love Murderbot, like the plot and the worldbuilding. However, I can never quite connect to the other characters. I'm not entirely sure why. It doesn't matter though, I will read the other two novellas and the novel when it comes out. I really want to know more about Murderbot.

C.B. Lee: Not Your Sidekick (Sidekick Squad #1).
I liked this book. I really liked Jess and could relate to her. I love the way the relationships are depicted: Jess and her friends, Jess and her family. It rings very true to me. I'm interested in the plot and where it will go, and I will get the sequels.
However, it still feels only ok to me, but perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for superheroes.

Richard Blanco: The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood.
This was my favourite book so far this year. I don't have the words why it just grabbed me so, and I will probably write a proper review for it.

What I'm reading now:

Aliette de Bodard: In the Vanishers’ Palace.
This is disturbing, but so good. Love Yên so far, she's such a great character.

C.S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
I want to re-read the Chronicles of Narnia. To be frank, I'm kinda bored with this, so I'm reading bit by bit.

What will I read next:

I'm not quite sure yet, but I have more than enough on my TBR...

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