2019 Fanfiction Reading Challenge

Jan 01, 2019 13:56

Carrie at
catonthebookshelf has the post up for the 2019 Fanfiction Reading Challenge. I found out about the challenge from

So, I'm going to do this challenge this year. It can be as relaxed or involved as you like and you can set your own goals. I'm going for Unapologetic Fangirl/boy, since I do read a lot of fanfiction. Mostly I want to track my reading, and challenges are the way to go for me. We'll see how well it goes ^^;;
I set my word count for the month at 250,000 words. This seems to be very little to me, but we'll see. :)

This entry was originally posted at https://thady.dreamwidth.org/341643.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fanfiction, fanfiction - log: 2019, fandom

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