Wednesday Reading Week 6

Feb 06, 2019 21:53

Links go to goodreads:

What I've been reading

Aliette de Bodard: In the Vanishers’ Palace.
This was disturbing and unsettling, however the story was not without hope. I loved all the characters, and their relationships. Highly recommended.

Makihirochi: Is Kichijoji the Only Place to Live? Vol. 2.
I really love this manga. I like the characters, and so far I haven't gotten bored with it. I love the way food is depicted, as something lustful and not shame-inducing.

Hebi-Zou, Tsuta Suzuki, Tarako (Illustrator): Heaven's Design Team Vol. 1.
This was funny and entertaining, even though I'm a little worried it might get repetitive. However, I like it enough to want to buy more volumes.

Chie Shinkyu: Wakako Zake, Vol. 1.
This was so entertaining, I love food manga. However, for those that are not interested in slice-of-life and food this wouldn't probably the manga. I will definitely buy more volumes when they come out.

What I'm reading now:

C.S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Still. I don't have the brainspace to let myself really read.

What will I read next:

Probably Katherine Arden's The Bear and the Nightingale.

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wednesday reading: 2019, reading: fiction, wednesday reading, reading, reading: manga

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