Weekly Request Rules

Aug 28, 2014 11:28

Hello! Welcome to the TF Rare Pairing Weekly Request Rules and Guidelines! Weekly Requests is a weekly, member-generated event that is intended to be low-key and a quick bit of fun. Participants who meet the requirements laid out below will earn an Icon-shaped badge, which can then be placed in any of your online spaces to show off your accomplishment.

1. Send in requests! Requests consist of a rare or non-standard pairing and a prompt, and must contain both parts. These can be from an Transformers canon (and we do mean any, including any/all international material that was not released in the United States. We are a global community and we want to celebrate all global contributions to Transformers!) All Weekly Request prompts should be sent to the mod email account tfrare.pair@gmail.com or PM'd to the month's posting moderator.

1a. Both members of a pairing must appear in the canon you are requesting. If they do not both appear in the canon you are requesting, your prompt will not be used.

1b. Prompts can be anything from a word or phrase to song lyrics, music videos or even LOL Cats. HOWEVER, because some visual media is restricted in different countries, we require links to lyrics for music videos or song prompts. Without links to the appropriate media your prompt uses, the prompt cannot be posted.

Here are some examples of prompts:

Good Prompts:

Prowl/Ironhide--military parade

Kiss Players
Rosanna/Sundor--impossible dream

Bad Prompts

Drift/Turmoil--beaten (prompt is bad because it contains a character not appearing in that canon)
Thundercracker/Flatline-- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aWxBrI0g1kE (prompt is bad because it contains a link to a youtube music video but not one to any additional lyrics.)

Ratchet/Sideswipe/Sunstreaker--pampering (prompt is bad because it contains a banned pairing.)

2. All members of a threesome, moresome must be rare together. That means none of them can appear on the banned list as a pairing before adding in a third member. Mirage/Jazz/Bumblebee would be accepted, but Mirage/Jazz/Prowl would not. If you really want to see your threesome written, please feel free to leave a prompt for them at the Transformers Bunny Farm tf-bunny-farm or consider posting to the kink meme tfanonkink.

3. The Weekly Requests run from Sunday to Saturday, with posts going up at approximately 10PM Central Time on Sunday evening. (One of our moderators lives in future land, 13 hours ahead of the Head Mod, so the time stamps may look odd sometimes.) As long as your contribution is posted to the community before the round up and new requests go live on Sunday evening, you will qualify for the Weekly Request Icon.

4. All fan created content qualifies for Weekly Request participation! We love fic, but we also love art, graphics, photography, comics, photo comics and any other creations!

5. Weekly Request responses must have the "Weekly Request Response" tag in order to be placed in the round up and qualify for your Icon.

6. Please use the community header requirements when posting your response and follow the community tagging requirements.

7. Have fun! If you're not having fun, don't hesitate to get in contact with us so that we can work with you to make things fun again.

The TF Rare Pairing Community Rules and Guidelines

topic: the rules, topic: mod post

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