Apr 07, 2011 21:20
things are kinda cray-cray right now. i don't know why i did it, but i let myself get completely crazy about boys. i know that i'm not supposed to right now but i thought that a little investigating would do me no wrong. i completely disregarded all the advice i'd been given and went ahead and took things into my own hands and now things are bit crazy.
i'm actually kind of grateful for everything that's happened in the last few weeks because it's been humbling and i need a little bit of humility. i was getting a little ahead of myself. basically it's like this...for the first time in probably 25 years i have not been obsessed with getting a boyfriend. i've been focused on myself and my program and wouldn't ya know, the boys came a callin. i should have listened to the voices of concern telling me to cool it but i had to investigate what these boys were looking for. wouldn't you know, even though they're sober, they're still up to no damn good. so now i'm less confused and even more aware of the fact that i'm not ready to be with anyone but myself. i have to like myself a lot more than i do right now in order for someone else to like me the way i deserve to be liked! lord, have mercy on my hormones.
oh journal, i can see a little bit of what things can be like if i just chill out and let go and it's looks so pretty. if only i can find the patience...