The Olympus Legacy 1.1

Nov 28, 2008 11:30

Alright, here is the start to that normal legacy challenge I said I was going to do alongside the Ierden's...

So, if the people reading had looked throughout my whole journal, there was a post describing this challenge, it's theme, and the reason for the heir's name, which is Daphne.

The naming theme will be Ancient Greek Mythology. All Sims born to this legacy will be named after Greek Gods, deities, heroes, etc.

Now, the myth behind Daphne, in a nutshell, is she was the first laurel tree. Apollo had been making fun of the arrows Eros weilded, and so Apollo was shot with one, and ended up falling in love with Daphne. She ran into the forest while Apollo chased her and she begged her father (whom I forget who it was) to help her, and he turned her into the first laurel tree.

And since she was the first laurel tree, I immediately thought of a legacy tree, and decided Daphne was the perfect name for the heir! C:

But enough of my rambling and history lessons: On with the legacy~

Here is our extremely cute heir!

Daphne Olympus
Pleasure/Family Sim

Sloppy/Neat: 6
Shy/Outgoing: 6
Lazy/Active: 3
Serious/Playful: 3
Grouchy/Nice: 7

Her loves hard workers, preferably with makeup, but they can forget it if they're the walking dead.

And her lifetime want is to become a Professional Party Guest, which is easy enough to achieve.

And here she is from the front, when she's not smiling. I like how she looks much different than my other heirs. I think her jaw and nose are what make her look a lot more unique.

Typical legacy shack. Of course.

So I drag Daphne's ass down to The Hub to go look for a wife (did I mention the married couples are going to be gay for this legacy?) or boytoys for potential male heirs.

This one was disappointing because he was hot but has red hair like Daphne does.

They don't look like they got along but the two of them hit off fabulously.


I'm not going to marry these two but I'm going to keep her in mind for later, for what I have planned for Daphne. ;D

Daphne likes her. A lot. xD

I made her go to Crypt O' Night afterwards, to look for some more hot peoples.

This girl was also extremely hot but she also has red hair like Daphne so she was a no no. D: Her name is Marcia.

Daphne randomly went to the mirror to groom herself...

And then went to go chat with her. Yet again, they got along great. ;-;

Everyone else that came by was either extremely wonky or had red hair. (The last two pictures, I think, were taken at P.U.R.E. because after Crypt failed me I sent her there.)

And I cannot help but comment on the fact that this girl is the uglier, blonde version of Lisa Ramirez. 8|

I was about to give up and just send her home to see what I could get for $6 with the Matchmaker (lol i know i'm cheap), when...

Ta da! A good looking Townie decided to stroll on in!

They got along fabulously, as you can see. (Or might not be able to. PURE has terrible lighting, I discovered.)

Daphne: lol u no dat blcak haird l00zer wit teh boawlin clothz? imma cheet on u wit her lol :D


(This picture makes me laugh.)

Daphne: So, baby.

Daphne: Do you like what you see? ;D

Corrinne (her name, btw): UGH, NO. I HATE MAKEUP.
Daphne: ... D:

Corrinne: On second thought... Yeah, makeup is hot.
Daphne: :D :D :D

Wow, you girls have terrible taste. Jan Tellerman is definitely not hot.

:'D *loves casual makeout sessions*

... Ugh. Ms. Crumplebottom. Jesus Christ.

Ms. Crumplebottom: >:C

Rofl, I hate her but love her so much I considered going as her to an anime convention just to see what peoples reactions would be.

Ms. Crumplebottom: *pointing of sterness*  I DO NOT APPRIECIATE YOUR LESBIANISM.
Daphne: wat.

Ms. Crumplebottom: *beats* 
Daphne: ... Wtf. D:

Ms. Crumplebottom: *fucking rages*

No one asked you, fug.

And at the hottubs Ms. Crumplebottom proceeded to bitch Daphne out again for...

... wearing a bathing suit out in public?

Yeah, I would just ignore her from here on out, Daphne.



Daphne: Hey, would you by any chance be up for some casual sex with me right here on the floor?

Count: Well, I'd be delighted! ;D

Sweetie, I don't think she gives a shit about that bathing suit anymore. She just got laid by a vampire.


A few days later I call Corrinne over and move her in. (She only brought $2000 with her. But it just occured to me now that I didn't check her inventory. Might be some hope of a house in the next update.)

Corrinne and her new makeover, which I think looks adorable on her. :'D

Corrinne soon-to-be-Olympus

Sloppy/Neat: 6
Shy/Outgoing: 3
Lazy/Active: 6
Serious/Playful: 4
Grouchy/Nice: 6

She loves people in makeup sporting their undies, but dislikes it when they sport their swimwear instead.
Her lifetime want is to marry off six children, which ain't happening.

I think her outfit is adorable. D:

I then, predictably, made them...




Stfu, I just installed it and it surprised me.

And afterwards: Pawp. :D


Some douchebag knocked over the trash can, which lead to roaches.

The fact has consumed the poor girls soul.


Sorry if that word offends people, but this bitch is for stealing mah monies. D8<

I immediately asked her to leave afterwards, and this is how Corrinne says goodbye...

They just met and your girlfriend is standing right there! *facepalm*


*pawp of bb*


The next day Corrinne gets extremely close to aspirational failure because I made her sell a four dollar painting and didn't realize that it was a fear of hers. :/

So I got them engaged and married so Corrinne would stfu.


And finally...

What is Corrinne doing, you may wonder?

Napping on the couch wishing her wife would just stfu. :]

Daphne: OMG. A BABY CAME OUT! ^o^
Me: Be glad only one did! @__@

It is a girl, with all of Corrinne's colouring, sadly. Her name is Selene~ I will end the update with her.


For those who wonder, in Greek mythology Selene was, literally, "the moon". (Like the Roman Luna.) She was a lunar deity. :3

Sorry this update sucked, I kind of rush through the finding a wife/husband and having the first baby stage.
There will be more fun next time, though~

olympus, legacy, sims

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