Ierden Legacy 2.3 (Part A)

Nov 30, 2008 13:45

So we start off with Vincent bugging Yuri nonstop wanting to play Punch U Punch Me, and Yuri rejecting him every single time.

Vincent totally lacks the brain cells to understand.

Vincent: Well... If you don't want to play Punch U Punch Me, want to play Red Hands?
Yuri: Um... No, that's alright...


After being rejected again and again and again...

Vincent finally took the hint and went to go play with Natasha, who was more than eager...

... while Yuri went outside to have some happy fun times with Hiro.

:D :D :D

Yuri: Hey hey, is that someone ~reading your diary~?
Hiro: UM. WAT.

Hiro: Dude, no one is even in the living room--

Hiro: ... Heheh. :D

He's so laid back! I totally adore him.

They played out there together for quite a long while, although it near winter in his picture.



Now back to regularly schedualed programming.

When he got back inside though his siblings proceeded to follow him everywhere.

He attempted hiding in the fridge but that didn't get him anywhere.

I really have no idea why he's so popular with his siblings. Seriously. They crowd him all the time to socialize with him, except for Natasha, since she actually has a life.

He actually puts up with Alicia and Hiro, though. I think he likes them, secretly. :D


Have I mentioned that Melody Tinker has no life whatsoever? Everytime Karina puts it back up and I don't look at it for a few Sim hours, she comes back and knocks it down again! I'm lucky they didn't get roaches.

And on top of that...

It's Karina's birthday. D:


Wow. Hot look, Karina.

Lol, I think she's cute.

... Although life as an elder had a bit of an awkward start...



Hun, I don't think it'd be a good idea to piss yourself in front of yours and your sisters arch nemesis.

She was quite mean to Erik for a little bit...

But Erik randomly decided to chat with her about construction (wtf) and she stopped being mean to him. All I need is her being an enemy of another person in this legacy!

lol wut u doin thar natasha

That is definetly the face of aspirational failure.

Hun, Vincent was the only one who ever played with that, so you aren't making this family have much of a loss.

I love how Melody is lurking in the doorway just waiting to be mean to her.



Melody: *glares daggers*
Surprisingly, she didn't bother Yuri or Natasha after, and she was never brought back there again, sadly.

Downstairs Vincent checks himself out and overall is being adorkable.

Can you tell Vincent, Yuri and Hiro are my favourites yet? xD


Hiro is a lot more paranoid writing in his diary now.

Although him and Yuri still have happy fun times.

And Tanner randomly smustles in the kitchen.


It comes to this point where I must say sometimes I seriously hate the exercise bike.

Note the colour of the plumbob.

They continuously use it and bu that time other bars are also empty and since they are total fucking idiots they go to look after those needs before going to look after Hunger, which is the most important one! *facepalm*

Sorry for the spam, this is the fist sim I have ever had that had nightmares. D:

And they eventually starve to death. :/

He wasn't that intersting so I just let him die.


As you can see the family didn't give a shit. At all.

... Well, except for Karina.

I made her go mourn him and I will make whomever is under my control go mourn the dead family members to see if the hauntings won't be so frequent.

Hiro sucks up to his mom to make her feel better though.


I was monitoring Tanner making sure he didn't starve also because he wasn't feeding himself...

... When he grew into an elder. D:

I must say that he aged like fine wine, though. Yum yum.


... UGH. HIRO.

*makes use of lifestage command (although i already used it but it doesnt really matter since i would be controlling him two sim hours later anyway) since Karina is at work*

Grimmy: ... Fuck.

Grimmy: If you want to bargain with me for your brothers life get on your knees.

Grimmy: Actually... No. That sounds really sexual--

Grimmy: Are you fucking retarded?

Grimmy: No. Just... no. Get up. Like, now.

Grimmy: You know the drill.

Grimmy: PICK NAO.
Yuri: ... UGH.

Grimmy: ... NO. NOW.

Yuri: *gets right*

Grimmy: *lost to a total idiot*

They share a nice, brotherly hug.

But what does Hiro go to do RIGHT AFTER?



Anyone going to get that?

I guess not.


It comes to this point when six oclock finally hits, and the pop up for Natasha and Yuri turning into adults finally comes...

And according to the ISBI rules (if I remember correctly), that is when you're supposed to pass your torch.


Yuri is heir.

Yuri Ierden
Family/Grilled Cheese

Neat/Sloppy: 5
Shy/Outgoing: 3
Lazy/Active: 4
Serious/Playful: 7
Nice/Grouchy: 10

His Lifetime want to is to reach his Golden Anniversary and his turn ons are underwear and swimwear, but his turn off is custom hair. I turned his turn ons to red hair and brown hair later though, so he would be attracted to a Sim that is genetically... different.

Part B is here!

ierden, isbi, legacy, sims

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