underwear and car trouble

May 20, 2008 20:51

I only bought my new underwear in mid-March, and I've not done anything particularly strange to them. Today I noticed one pair has a hole. It looks as if it was not stitched together when it was made, or something. I'll have to see if Bear has the Penney's receipt, so we can exchange them. Holes in clothes = not okay.

I have Bad Car Karma. When Mom and I visited colleges when I was a senior in high school, the car (a real lemon, obviously) died once and blew out a tire once. And I wasn't even driving! My first car, may she rest in peace, was rear-ended FOUR TIMES. Which was funny, but--not. My second car, bought too quickly after my first one was totaled, leaked when it rained.

And the tires, oh, the tires. I replaced the tires on my first car over and over, sometimes because I ran into curbs (key words = first car), but sometimes because of stray nails and such. I've had my current (third) car for less than a year, and guess what? It's sporting two new tires! One had a nail in it, so I replaced it when I got my oil changed last week (I think it was last week). Then on Sunday Bear was driving and HE ran into a curb and the right rear tire went flat within minutes, with a terrible HISSSSing noise. (Thankfully we had already parked the car.) Back to Wal-mart. Another $100 because the old tire couldn't be patched.

If you asked my bosses a few notable things about me, my bad luck with tires would probably make their top three.

my car, shopping

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