I hate shopping.

May 20, 2008 17:20

I need a new birthday book*. The binding in mine has come loose. I know which one I want: the Birthday Cakes Birthday Book.

First, I looked for one at Books-a-Million, but no luck--no birthday books at all (and the clerk had no idea what I was talking about). Then I looked for a birthday book (in any style) at T.J. Maxx and Marshall's, with the address books, but no luck. Then I got a gift card to Barnes and Noble, and I'd seen the exact one I wanted at the Barnes and Noble in Cool Springs, so I assumed (stupidly) that the Opry Mills store would have it. No luck--no birthday books at all. (But at least the clerk knew what I was talking about.) So today, I made the trip to Cool Springs. No luck--no birthday books at all (and worse, the clerk had no idea what I was talking about, and told me it didn't exist!).

I thought it was called "A Birthday Cake Birthday Book" (singular instead of plural). The clerk claimed to look up that exact title in bn.com, and it didn't exist. If you do the search yourself (I just did), it's the ninth entry on the page. Right there, picture and everything.

I have a gift card to Barnes and Noble, or else I'd already have ordered the book from Amazon.com. I may have to carefully spend *exactly* $25 at bn.com so I can get free shipping and still use my gift card.

What a PITA.

*It's a book or calendar in which you write your friends' and relatives' birthdays and anniversaries. It isn't something one usually replaces, so it isn't found with the calendars once a year; it's usually found with the address books and journals in the stationery section of a bookstore.


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