May 14, 2006 13:53
It's Grinnell finals week. I have 33 pages to write between now and Friday at 5 PM. 22 of which require prepatory research.
On the upshot, David and I are really happy, and if I literally go insane again I can go to academic advising and get incompletes. (Janaki tells me that the last isn't really an upshot, but I'm looking for silver linings here.)
Yay! People replied! Cool people! ^_^
Alaitallon, you're welcome to pick my brain about Paganism anytime. Well. I probably won't be able to respond extensively to questions this week because of the aforementioned papery DOOM, but anytime after that. -_- I'm a universalist: I believe that there are myriad paths to the Divine, and that everyone finds the way that works best for them. Paganism, I've found, is that path for me. I also think there's a place for feminism in just about all religions. For a class last semester I read a book called Belief by Vattimo, suggesting that (in part and simplified--it's a complicated little book) God is, at a fundamental level, love, and by His example through Jesus He implores humans to live with as much love as possible--"love, and do what you will" (Augustine, quoted by Vattimo). (That may seem wimpy until you ask, "If I were perfectly loving, what would I want to do?") There's no room for prejudice against any group, women or otherwise, in such a Christianity. (The book helped me understand and more greatly respect Christianity. If you've got the time and patience--it's not terribly long but it *is* complicated--I'd recommend reading it. It also contains an interesting take on postmodernism as related to religion.)
Good luck figuring it out, and again with me being open for questions/discussions anytime. I hope that, whether you find a better-fitting version of Christianity or decide you need something else altogether, you end up happy.