Flaming Lips Concert Review

Sep 21, 2009 22:29

At the risk of ripping off Jeff Foxworthy, here we go…

You might be going to a Flaming Lips concert when…

… you wear a ten dollar t-shirt under a four-hundred dollar suit.

… your friend asks, “Are those nuns?!”, and you say yes without looking

… you are asked if this is a meeting of the Communist Party.

… you see a penguin and want to be its friend.

… you see a banana and, well, also want to be its friend.

… you think the woman dressed as a giant vagina is a tad overrated.

… you encourage the “I love everything!!!” girl when her boyfriend expresses disapproval.

… you politely turn down an offer of glitter but gladly accept a red feather for your lapel.

… after turning down said glitter offer you still find glitter around your house three day later.

… you leave to go to the bathroom and return to get an even greater position (!).

… passing out laser pointers becomes an unexpected mob scene.

… as soon as the laser pointers are distributed red dots immediately appear on the roadies faces and groins.

… you reach for Wayne-in-the-ball but ever so slightly cannot touch Wayne-in-the-ball.

… there is so much smoking that you get a really, really good contact high.

… a random hot blonde starts grinding you for three songs (after backing up a few inches to make sure you’re not “the” creepy guy).   Damn.

… when Wayne’s speech about positive energy and its potential actually starts to make sense.

… you and another guy stop a purple dog from bum-rushing the stage.

… you go to a Waffle House man miles away afterwards and see three booths of people playing with their laser pointers they got at the show.

… your ears are ringing for a day-and-a-half after the concert.

… three days later you are still feeling its effects and the overall message.

wishesofastar it was a great night.

life, flaming lips

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