Jan 26, 2011 11:01
Some things that are in my head:
I am soooo very proud of M2. He has been bumped up another reading level at school. That's the second bump this month.
M2 now has logins to two different websites, one for math, one for reading, for extra work. When are we supposed to have time for that?! He is doing really well with school though, aside from still having issues talking out of turn.
T is doing well also. He is still talking like crazy, but is willing to just stop occasionally. It is still strange to me to drive him to daycare in the mornings, and sometimes the drive is in silence. Complete, blissful silence. He's still my cuddler, too. And a complete nut. He and M2 wind up in giggle fits just about every time they sit down at the table together. Wouldn't be so bad if they'd finish eating before cracking each other up.
M2 did not want to get out of bed this morning. The guys stayed out a bit later than usual for small group last night, then he had to do some reading homework before he went to bed. It was a late night. So this morning after I woke him up (! This is an unusual occurrence) he trudges into my room and hugs me. Conversation as follows:
M2: Is it Sunday?
Me: No, baby. If it was Sunday, I wouldn't be waking you up. It's Wednesday.
M2: But I don't want it to be Wednesday!
Me: Me either....
T is a movie-aholic. We went through a couple of months where he wanted to watch How to Train Your Dragon 3 times a day. I highly recommend this movie, it is really good, but not 3 times a day good. Since Christmas, he seems to have loosened up a little. He's now willing to mix it up and occasionally watch Transformers Season 1 episodes instead. Having not actually sat down to watch any of the Transformers, I have zero understanding of any of the quotes that are now flying around my house. I'm actually starting to miss the How to Train Your Dragon quotes ("duh-de-duh, we're dead." and "I'm ok!.... *muffled* less ok!")
And my final thought: 3 days.
out of the mouths of babes,
my boys