taking care of own shit, vol. 5/driftwood room redux

Aug 26, 2007 13:38

This weekend's accomplishment - eliminating the menace of black mold (or mildew, who knows what it is exactly) from bathroom and bedroom! I didn't do it very intelligently, though I tried - I have given myself a splitting chemical-fumes (and maybe mold-spores) headache two days in a row. (No, I'm not mixing bleach and ammonia; I'm not THAT dumb. I am just sensitive to strong chemicals, even when heavily diluted, as they were in this case. Today I even wore a paper filter mask, and I'm glad I did.) And of course, shuffling things around in my bedroom has also given me a wicked allergy attack that I hope doesn't knock me out of commission for the rest of the day.

Because it is mizclaire's birthday! And I am in recovery from last night's surprise-party extravaganza, wherein we got tipsy at the hosts' home, and then went over to the Driftwood Room to make it a solid drunk. I haven't been to the Driftwood Room since it stopped being a quiet old-man hotel bar and now is Driftwood Room™®, and you can't smoke inside. They have really super-swanked up the former Mallory Hotel, and I don't like it one bit. It is trying way too hard. Maybe I'm just old and grumpy - if I was, say, 18 and a normal American who really liked classic films, I'd love it, but as it is, I thought the way it used to be was a lot more like the actual classic films. Whatever; we had a great time being super-obnoxious drunk nerds. Ah, my people. The DR's happy hour bar menu is ridiculous - and extremely, extremely good. They do have a super kickass happy hour, I'll give them that (3-6, and then 9-close on the weekends, I think - half price drinks, half price snacks. And the snacks are meal-sized, of course, because restaurants want to make us obese. Yum.)

Anyway, Claire's actual party is tonight, and I just feel all sneezy and headachy and dead. I've got a couple of hours - maybe I should choff a Benadryl and lose consciousness.

If it wasn't for kicking Mold's ass, I'd be in a spectacularly foul mood, as today I just lost $50 on filling a prescription for a drug I can't even TAKE, because there's no way I want to spend $50 a month on this medication, and if I start, I have to keep taking it. My health benefits finally totally let me down (I wonder how much that drug costs retail, if $50 is the insurance-softened price for a 30-day supply!). I could have used that $50 to get street drugs that would actually make me feel better. :( I hate the medical establishment sometimes.

birthday wishes, status report, yay, yawp, boo!, where the hell were you last night?

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