weather is dumb.

Jun 13, 2007 08:27

hippy birdy to me.

Hmmmm.... the weather report says it's going to be rainy on Saturday. :(

I feel decent today, after last night's forced Vicodin holiday. (Thanks yet again, cramps.) It was a very pleasant evening, lying on the couch, eating a little too much, watching Heroes ("Nothing to Hide" - IMO the iconic episode, perfect in every way, seemingly three or four hours long because so many things happen), and even poking my head onto IRC for the first time in about two years. (Crazy! I love IRC, but I gave it up for the same reason why I pretty much gave up IM - I just never have that much free time. But I was too twisted to get to sleep, so it was the perfect opportunity.)

I only had one moment of jerking awake and screaming last night as I was falling asleep, which is pretty good - sometimes that happens a couple of times when I've had to take a heavy dose. I couldn't tell you what actually brought it on, and it's not that bad - it always makes me laugh when it happens. Vicodin is so stupid. I miss the fluffy elegance of Tylenol 3, the milk-and-cookies comfort of Percocet, or (dare I say) the sublime perfection of morphine. But thank God I don't need those things all the time; I'd hate for opiates to become boring, or worse, something that makes me strung out and sick.

I still don't have a driver's license, and I still smoke tobacco, and I'm still a druggie and a lush, but at 35, I really kinda like myself, and I am comfortable with most of my failings. Now if I can train myself to do sit-ups as effectively as I've trained myself to smoke after meals, things will get even better.

...ETA... but the day's already interesting; I left the house without my phone. On this day of all days when I really, really need to have it. Fucking hell.

drugs, happy birthday, status report, geekery, heroes

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