party season

Jun 12, 2007 08:56

It is ON.
So very on.
(I am a little bit scared... period season is also so very on.)

Please, Gaia, let it be on the hot and sunny side on Saturday... And please let me find the energy and capability to straighten up my apartment before the weekend. And let everything work out. My first gathering at my place since I moved in; it's never been attempted before. I hope it will be the first of many. (Apologies that this isn't an anybody-who-wants-to-come-show-up kind of party; I'm afraid of it getting out of hand because there's only one cruise director - me - and even with the backyard, there isn't THAT much room. That said, if you feel that I'm just having an aneurysm and you KNOW I need to have you there, please feel free to remind me [or check your email]. I am working on about 50% brain capacity at the moment.)

My last day of 34, and it's treating me well so far. Hope it stays good - I have to work late today, then go buy a Father's Day card and a Get Well Soon card for my mom. (Good Lord, I need to find a wedding present for the Stones. People who I love who get married totally inconvenience me.) Then do some more cleaning, eat supper, and then, ideally, sit back and watch an episode of Heroes. I swear to God, that show has healing properties - I genuinely feel physically better when I watch it, or, more correctly, worse when I don't. Heroes, c'est la vie.

Hanging in there. Smiling, even. I wrote more smut last night, so the world is a groovier place today.

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