It seems like a lot of people are talking about the earthquakes and tsunamis that have been occuring lately. While I probably should say some words about it, I honestly I can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said more that enough times already. I wouldn't mind doing something to assist those that are suffering, but, frankly, I
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Yes, Satan was stripped of his beauty. He was said to be the most beautiful angel in all of heaven (the name Lucifer means beauty and light) and because of it he became quite vain (another aspect of his corruption). When God threw him out of Heaven he took that beauty away because it was one of the things Lucifer loved most.
Now, responding to the point of Satan not being confined to hell you'll notice I never said he was. It says in the bible Satan's domain is in hell and on Earth however he cannot enter the "gates" of heaven. I'm rather liberal minded when it comes to interpretations of the bible so I believe this means as long as it's not heaven or some facet thereof Satan can go there. It may not seem so horrible to us but imagine being in heaven - this fantastic place of perfection - and knowing God as a friend, brother, and father then being forbidden to ever go there again or be that close to someone you loved with all your heart and who loved you in return. Sounds like hell to me. And you don't have to be in heaven to speak to God.
"I realize that all sin is supposedly equal in God's eyes, but isn't it also said that if you honestly repent and accept God and Jesus Christ then you will ascend to Heaven?"
Yes, I never argued that. I don't find the two contradictory at all - am I missing why you brought it up? Most people don't agree with everything that was said in the bible but that's when Jesus comes in. Basically Jesus made it ok for us to do many things as long as we realized and honored the sacrifice he made.
Masturbation as a sin come from a misinterpreted line in the bible when it was said that it was forbidden for a man to spill his seed on the ground beyond his duty. In the days when the bible was written, if a man's brother was married but died before he could have children it was your duty to impregnate his wife. However the man this particular passage is talking about had sex with his brother's wife but didn't ejaculate into her. Of course some zealot took it overboard and twisted it around to make something natural into something bad. Do you honestly think God cares if you make yourself feel good without hurting anyone including yourself? Of course he doesn't.
Where does it say anywhere in the bible that independence is wrong? Go back through theological texts and you'll find that Christianity is based around the importance of the individual. Just because you have to follow rules (often rules that tie into our judicial system) doesn't mean a loss of independence - it just means you shouldn't act like a dick and get away with it.
Now, sex and homosexuality are heavy topics that I don't usually get into but I'll give as brief an opinion as possible.
When the bible was written there were few contraceptives and those that did exist weren't what I would call fool proof (crocodile dung? ewww). Having rampant sex would have triggered many unwanted births and the lack of condoms would have allowed for epidemics of VD's including aids among heterosexuals and homosexuals. I feel as if the laws God put into place were there to protect us from all that but times have changed and not only are we aware of these disease and how they spread, we have the ability to protect ourselves from them.
To be blunt I have no problem with homosexuality - people will love who they love. Sex before marriage is no big thing but I do think having one night stand with people or sleeping around is morally wrong. I feel as if sex should be reserved for people you feel strongly connected to not anyone who catches your eye.
As for Satan losing his beauty...if Satan can change form at will, what point is there in taking his original beauty from him. Or is Satan allowed to take any form other than that of his original beauty? I didn't mean to imply that you said Satan was confined to Hell, I was refering to the times I've heard Satan is being tortured in Hell just as any mortal soul would be. I can't recall where I heard it, but I distinctly recall hearing it somewhere. Although, I suppose being kicked out of Heaven is punishment enough.
I recall that story about the man and his brother's wife. I didn't realize that the "masturbation is evil" bit was taken from it though.
I'll address the rest of this response later, I must be going now.
I can see your point about "God's laws" against sex, however, weren't the life spans and infant survival rates less than impressive during that time? While the word of God could be used for population control, I don't think the sole purpose at the time was to prevent unwanted births. Come to think of it, there are still many unwanted births and sexually transmitted disease all over the world, but thats probably based more on ignorance, lack of access to proper protection, and almost completely refusing to deny sexual urges. While I think trying to kill an urge as natural and powerful as the drive for sex is, overall, probably pointless, completely indulging it with reckless abandon is...less than sensible.
While I don't agree that casual sex is morally wrong, I do agree that it is a show of poor form, however, I don't believe that it should be considered a punishable offense. You(The general you, not the you as in "You Aly.") can make love to your husband, you can fuck your buddy, and you can have sex with a stranger, I don't think anyone else has the right to tell you otherwise. That is unless, of course, you're somehow harming someone in the process, whether its emotionally, physically, or psychologically. Then again, I'm not against the legalization and regulation of prostitution, but thats another matter.
Homosexuality has apparently existed for centuries, it even seems to be present in other species aside from human beings. This is why I do not consider it unnatural. It occurs in nature, does it not? Homosexuals weren't engineered in a laboratory, so, I consider homosexuality to be natural. It may not occur as commonly as heterosexuality and it may not be considered as acceptable by many standards, but I don't consider it any less natural than heterosexuality. So, its probably obvious enough that I have no problem with homosexuals. For all we know, someone could probably consider it a method of natural population control. Homosexuals are less likely to have children of their own, even if they are still fully capable.
I'm glad we atleast seem to agree that the God in the bible in an inaccurate depiction. Its probably better to have faith, rather than to follow any specific religion. The institution of religion is too structuralized and rigid. When a religion is formed into a structure, it seems as though it loses its ability to adapt to the changing times. Morals and traditions of a previous century may not apply to the next. Take the Catholic church for example. While I admit I may not be the most well-informed person, it seems as though it has grown corrupt and stagnant. Earlier I said it was good to have faith, however, I myself am too skeptical to devout myself to a faith that may prove false or misplaced.
(continued...yet again)
As for my political opinion...I would consider myself more of a "centrist". Sometimes I agree with Liberals, sometimes I agree with Conservatives. For example, I'm prochoice and I support the right for homosexuals to have the right to marry However, I also believe that once the fetus has reached a certain point of developement, abortion should no longer be considered an option, no partial-birth abortions, for example. As for gay marriage, I believe if they seek a religious ceremony for marriage, Christian or otherwise, they should be allowed to have it...under the circumstances that they find a church that will perform the ceremony. Basically, let them get married, but don't force someone to perform the ceremony if they don't want to. I would consider that fair. I suppose I do lean a little toward the Liberal side...
I'm pro-choice. I'm pro-gay rights. However, I believe execution is an acceptable form of punishment for harsher crimes, such as rape or murder. Honestly, I would probably support somewhat harsher punishments for lighter offenses, such as theft and arson. I don't support...damnit...what is it called again? I don't believe that a company or organization should have to hire so many people of whatever race, gender, or religion. Well, I'm a little conflicted on that actually. Companies should be allowed to hire whomever they choose, however, I don't believe that they should hire someone less qualified because they're a white, anglo-saxon male. I think companys should have to pay immigrants the same wages as U.S. citizens...because the way I see it is the companies mainly hire immigrants because the immigrants are willing to work harder for less pay than the U.S. citizens are.
I'm afraid I've wandered too far off the main subject by bringing politics into it. I'm tempted to delete most of this post, but I don't want the time I spent typing it to go to waste.
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