Oct 05, 2004 17:55
So I'm having troubles with name association..
There aren't many people I don't like... however the ones I do dislike - their names are starting to bring a bad ping to my stomach when I hear them.
Like when I'm at work and I get a call or e-mail from someone with a certain name - it really makes me VERY uncomfortable.
It's odd that I can't control this, but some names are very terrible to hear or read!
With one specific name I don't even want to address the person as that. I'd rather say "Hey you" then "Hey BAD NAME ASSOCIATION."
It's pathetic... that's something I do realize and accept. I just need to play a more clever game with my mind where I can teach myself to block out these names. So when I see or hear them, it's something else. Like a picture of Candy Land, or some great 40s jazz.
While I'm here, any of you who know me and can remember VERY bad stories I've told in the wrong social situations, or very bad phrases I start to say and then stop; it would be very much appreciated. I'm writing a book on my terrible social skills instructing people on what NOT to do.