First, Happy Birthday to
judd_sonofbert! Second, thank you for all the fantastic information you've passed my way in the last 24 hours. I haven't had time to get into it, but I surely will over the weekend.
Now, the workout:
Today's workout of the day was, for time, x3:
800 meter run
50 sit-ups
50 Back extensions
I can't run. This is why I was kicked out of the Army. So I subbed in the same distance on the eliptical with default cross ramp and resistance of 9.
But that was my only sub. The rest was done, in Crossfit parlance, as Rx'd. That being said, my time was 30:48, which is fairly sad, but 1.) today is day 2 for me, Crossfit wise and 2.) the back extension machine is about a mile from the eliptical and the place that I can do sit-ups. I suppose I could have deducted that from my time but the truth is that I needed the rest.
Literally every muscle in my body hurts from yesterday. Forearms, biceps, triceps, lats, delts, traps, abs, back extensors, butt, quads, hamstrings. I'm doing everything v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y today.