She's turning this into a fitness blog??? OMG ew...

Apr 23, 2009 21:18

I don't post very often. The truth is, I can't talk about work because of privacy issues, and because my stories are disgusting, disturbing, or depressing. I don't write fanfic much anymore. And I don't get a lot of comments on what I write here anyway. So unless I have something thoroughly compelling to talk about, this is going to be my fitness blog. But don't worry, I'll put the boring stuff behind cuts to spare you.

In the last week and a half or so, I have been flirting with this thing called Crossfit, which is a "broad, general, and inclusive" fitness regimen that changes every day and is extremely difficult. Anyone see some of the extras for 300? Where they're pushing around those giant tires and doing ring dips and stuff? That sort of thing. Yeah, this is the type of fitness that entices people in law enforcement and the military, although it can be adapted for anyone, even children and seniors. That's part of its appeal, as a matter of fact.

In any case, you could say that today was our first date, when I actually attempted the Workout of the Day.

For time:

-50 Box Jumps on a 24-inch box
-50 Jumping Pull-ups
-50 Kettlebell swings with 36# kettlebell
-50 Walking lunges
-50 Knees to elbows (hang from the bar and touch your knees to your elbows)
-50 Push press with 45#
-50 Back extensions
-50 Wall Ball with 20# ball (throw that ball up onto a spot on the wall, catch it and squat)
-50 Burpees (squat thrust, push-up, recover, jump)
-50 Double Unders (fancy jumping rope where the rope goes under you twice for each jump

Needless to say, I can't do all of this. Here's what I did instead:

-50 Box jumps on an aerobic step with six of those purple plastic thingies under each side (18"? 20"?), jump up, step down.
-15 Pure Negatives Pull-downs (start in the up position on the bar and let down slowly)
-50 Kettlebell swings with 36# Kettlebell, divided into two sets of 25
-Skipped the lunges because I need to be able to walk tomorrow and I have embarrassingly weak quads
-Skipped knees to elbows because I did some of them yesterday. Almost.
-Skipped push press because I've never been trained on it and don't want to hurt myself. Although, now that I watch the video, I could probably do that...
-50 Back extensions hugging 10# weight plate to chest
-50 Air squats for wall ball because there's nowhere to do wall ball at my gym
-15 Burpees
-50 Inverted Burpees for Double Under. That's lying on my back, rolling to standing, doing a handstand, then lying back down. It was during this that I really wanted to vomit. I did this in five sets of 10. They are a lot more difficult than they sound. And they're also the perfect exercise as they work every muscle in your body: quads, abs, shoulders, triceps, heart...

I wasn't keeping track of my time. I'm sure it was over an hour.

But you've gotta start somewhere.

filthy fifty, crossfit

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