In case you guys hadn't heard yet, Placebo apparently broke up. Yes yes, very sad, there was a *very* legitimate post made about it over at
placebowhores earlier today. Mysteriously disappeared though, very odd. I love the rumor scene. I love the people who can't even make up a decent rumor. You're all so silly. You're a silly bunch of somebodies who chose to post a rumor literal minutes before the official website posted new studio pictures. You silly kids make my day. You obviously don't know that in A Beginner's Guide to Rumor-Starting, it clearly states that your first attempt should involve Gaynald McWaynald and a car crash. Amateurs.
Oh jeez. Anyway, I usually try to have a point or whatever to my posts, but I don't feel like it today. My day = made.
Who knew? (...okay. I knew. You guys knew I knew, I just forgot and well. You know how random Buzznet can be.) OH the old days. The days of old. Those olden old days of long ago. It just....came out of nowhere.
Why does a search entitled "Stephen" deliver so many thousands of pictures of Victoria Asher? What's the deal Search Engine? Nothing's even tagged. But whatever. Oh Vicky-T, you are more beautiful than the moon and more elegant and graceful than the dancing flame of a candle. HOW I LONG FOR THEE *pines*