Kanjani∞ PUZZLE Hokkaido 2009.06.20 14:00 show

Jun 20, 2009 23:04

YAY!!!!! Back from Kanjani∞ PUZZLE Hokkaido 2009.06.20 14:00 show !!

ok, unlike usual reports, i can't really remember the set list, so i'll just write down the highlights! hope u guys find it interesting ^^ (and forgive me if it's too Ryo focused!!)

The concert hall this time is really close to the city, just 4 stops from Sapporo subway, which is like 15mins, and then the subway station connects directly to the concert hall ^^

i got to the hall at 12:45 to get the prerequisites for a concert \(^__^  )/~~ Uchiwas and torch! Wow, super long line at the goods place, it's always interesting to watch the girls who come to the concert! Japanese girls can dress soo interestingly, it's a nice thing to watch, some were in Eito ranger costumes :) it started raining when i was in line, and i didn't have an umbrella, this nice girl offered to cover me as well and we started chatting ^^
she came  from Kansai ^^ and was 37 already :P and her favourite was Ryo-chan as well!!! we were both so excited to know that both our favs were RYO!!

ok, enof with the silly stuff.
so i had an arena seat, and it was sooo close!!! well the hall wasn't that big anyways.
the intro first included the eitos except Hina dressed as monkeys and doing what one shouldn't do in concerts, like talking on phones, taking photos, changing seats etc, it was hilarious ^^ then Hina came out on screen half naked and more on rule stuff...then about what each person done in the past year.
Tacchon--> lots of eating,  Shota--> Making up!! >_<  Subaru-->dressed as sumo guy  Maru-->forgot sorry
Hina--> handing out money , Yoko--> just sitting on a chair with a lop sided grin, Ryo-->only bungee jump footage (enof to make ppl yell tho!!! ^^)

on with the highlights:
1. Musekinin Hero: wearing in Red, Ryo had this grey ruffles like thing (kinda like a dress) above his trousers..haha, i never saw him dress like that before.

2. in Kanfuu fighting, they stood at the front of the stage and rose on different stands which and was eventually connected like a dragon with dragon like flaps in the middle. Beautiful!!but too far from me >_<''

3.Ichibyo kiss. started walking around the stage. Ohkura was closest to me and he was KAKKOI!!!tall!!hee but  sitting on the arena, i had to look up all the time ^^''

4.Glorious!!!! such a beautiful song!!! the most beautiful thing was Ryo sang on our side!!!! within like 10 meter distance!!! but he had a soft voice compared to Subaru, so his voice was kinda covered by him sometimes... but Ryo's voice was soooo sexy and deep, and his english pronunciation was superb!!! I LOVE THIS performance.

5. Kicyu, this was a cute song!!! Yoko in pink and Shota in green, with a green hat (very imp towards the end , this hat i mean... ^^ you'll find out..) anyway, they sang in the centre stage, and the screens didn't rise fast enof and Yoko had to duck down to show his face in the beginning!! haha

6. Eight Rangers skit: !!!!ADorable!!! even with my limited japanese, i enjoyed it a lot, i guess you might have read from other concert reports what it's about, basically, Green, Black and  orange want to change their color to Blue, Red and yellow respectively and this pissed off the real Red, yellow and blue, and then a lot of singing and fake fighting haha!! well, i had my binoculars focused on Ryo most all the time, so i could marvel at his every smallest facial expression, and he is supppper adorable, his voice is soooo beautiful and innocent when he speaks, they do this singing thing in the centre stage, 3 against 3, and there were these parts Ryo's side did this half lidded seducing look !!! YELLLLL!!!!!!!
in the end, Hina came to settle the matters whilst Ryo was trying stab someone with a knife, he stabbed Hina accidentally...haha...and then the whole matter kinda resolved.

7. towards the end of the eight ranger show, some singing and the MC, Ryo kept rubbing his tummy liked it hurt a lot, and wasn't doing the moves with full energy...( -___-  ); so worried for poor Ryo, wonder what was wrong... good thing he managed to get thru till MC, where he could just stand and rest a while :) cos he doesn't really talk, i think his dialogue was only about 10 sentences in total. rest of the time he was just standing there, drinking water, pulling up his yellow ranger suit that was now only worn like pant with the top part pulled down.

8. MC: they were talking about food as usual, about how hokkaido was so cold (YES!!! it's summer for god's sake, but so cold!) talked about how Yoko had lost some weight, Yoko said he was only about 60kg now and Maru was soo jealous! Yoko said he used to be like 68kg, and they said how Ryo and Subaru were always skinny, and Subaru said he never passed 52kg!! and the girls were all like EH!!!!???? i guess many of the girls were heavier than him >_<''  then they asked Ryo about his new drama with Takki, and Ryo was advertising again, then Yoko said something like, so it's not like the Ryusei no Kisune last year rite? and they were all like Kisune??? and Ryo talked something about how he didn't really talk to Takizawa cos he's this very very Senpai.

9.Veterans: mmm...i would be much happier if those that sang Explosion were K8, i thought this junior section was a bit too long, but i took a good look too, in case i fell for them eventually, i wouldn't regret having slacked off during this section.

10.Brulee was HOT!!!! this song is sooo cool and the dance moves were beautiful!!!!
11.My last train: Well Hina came over on carts on our side, but he didn't lean down to shake any hands....and rarely looked down... >_< but anyway, he's my least favourite member... >_< why didn't Ryo come over!!

12. Band session was the BEST!!!!! i guess in the end, i still like guys in normal t-shirts and jeans, Ryo was KAKKOI!!!! and he wore "Kicyu" 's green hat!! throughout!!!well anything looks super good on him, a lot of good songs, with Tacchon shaking his head like crazy whilst drumming, Shota was sooo cool doing his guitar!!
well, something has lead me to think arena seats are not always the best, cos they were rolling carts on the top bunk of the seats!!! and Ryo was there, and i was starring with hungry eyes at those lucky girls, cos Ryo was soo in "Tension" he was slapping everybody's hand!!!!! and then he got to one end, and disappeared in a hole, then came down suddenly among the crowd in one of the stands, and those girls were ECSTATIC, pulling at his clothes till he finally got down to the lower stand, then he walked along the walk, and this girl caught his attention, the girl blew a kiss to Ryo and Ryo stopped to ask her something, i think the girl plead a "chuu" from Ryo and in his very tension high mode, he did his cute Chu blowing (like those in the NEWS concert he once did when someone requested. with that cute face!! >_< )too bad it wasn't to my side -____-; *cries*

13. Rolling coaster was SUPERB!!!! cos everyone was standing on the front stage, and Ryo was near ^^ he is super super good looking, all i can say now is RYO IS REALLY THE BEST LOOKING GUY I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!

14. in the encore part, ryo didn't throw sign boards at our way...booo.... actually nobody did!! ahhh....but Hina! the guy i said i liked the least among K8 actually looked directly at me (the frantically waving me...XD) and waved for a lonnnng time, i really mean it when long, not just like a brief wave they do all the time, he literally stopped at one spot and waved to me for like 15 secs!!!!! OK, so that has already changed his position in my heart!! XDXD

15. the last thing was Tacchon wanted to throw his sign board far,but it landed on the paths where nobody could reach, and the girls on the high stands were whining, and Ohkura did this bow, and said gomen ne, and disappeared to back stage...

16. -____-'' no one took their clothes off in this show...sigh...maybe Hokkaido was really too cold... >_< RYORYO why!!?

ok...that's about it!!! hope u guys liked reading this
oooooo........any i was hoping i could take some pics or fancam, but i was right in front of the corridors, so no one was there to block me, and the staff were kneeling in every block to watch around...really strict security >_<''  so didn't manage...

concert report, kanjani8

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