YAY!!! super excited!!

Jun 18, 2009 13:31

This is a post probably nobody is interested in ^^ but LJ is the place where I let out all my feelings!!! 
so i've got to scream here!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!
after a nerve wracking and giddy long process, I finally landed myself with
2 tickets to Kanjani∞'s concerts! that's for 2 shows mind u! \(^___^ )/
i cannot imagine that I'll get to see RYO!!! yay !!!and all the other eighters soon !!!!
this is all soo exciting!!!!

I'll be on my plane tonite :)
i'll bring my computer ( which is essentially part of me....) to Japan, so i'll update on anything interesting! and write concert reports hopefully ^^
ahh.. i should pack now -__-'''


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