Crushed Chapter 10 (Finale)

Jun 14, 2009 01:54

Finally !! the ending of my first fic!!
I've been scared of endings, cos a bad one could ruin the whole story...
a little note is I really suck at writing intimacy and x-rated, so pls let your own imaginations run wild >_<

Title: Crushed
Chapter: 10/10
Author: me ^^ '' tellytelly desu
pairing: Ryoshige, Shigekoyama (frds), Tegomassu
genre: angst, romance
rating: PG-15 (hints of sexual scenes)
Disclaimer: I never really knew what one should write here all along...
Summary: Shige studies in Law school, and gets intrigued by a certain mysterious classmate called Ryo... Ryo is hurt, can Shige save him?

        Everyone seemed astounded by the roar and began looking around searching for the origin. The lady and Ryo both looked up. Shige was standing a few meters away from their table with sweat dripping down his face probably the result of running. His eyes angry and determined.

Ryo looked at Shige but his mind was blank.

He didn’t know what to think. Is he coming to “rescue” me? Ryo frowned at the thought, as much as he wanted to escape, as much as he detested his present situation, the shame, the mockery, this was probably his last chance to make a fortune to pay off his family’s problems. Why was Shige always coming after him anyway, he already handed in his part of the assignment, that was perhaps the most responsible thing he thought he’d ever done.

Shige went over to grab Ryo’s hand but was halted by Matsumoto just in time. “What do you think you’re doing Sir? You’re not welcomed here.” Shige glared at the shorter man in the flashy suit. “I’m bringing him with me no matter what.”

Matsumoto let out a contemptuous laugh. “He’s our option for bidding today, the only way you’re gonna leave with him is if you win the auction, as if that’s even possible.” He satirized.

Shige gulped. “I won’t lose…”

Ryo looked at Shige incredulously, what’s gotten into this guy? Shige’s appearing up like that had somewhat shaken Ryo’s determination, should he just get up and leave? He didn’t sign anything yet, what if Shige really won, that would mean Shige would be losing a lot of money. Ryo didn’t want that, he’d be owing Shige too much. But, if he didn’t win, Ryo was going to have to sleep with some old lady tonight, the mere thought was too disgusting it gave him goosebumps.

Shige handed over his folded piece of paper to Matsumoto with his bid written inside. Matsumoto shot him an amused look whilst he began opening the pieces of papers one by one and read out the bids. “700,000 yen, 850,000yen…” he announced. Admixed sounds of exclamations, excitement and disappointment could be heard over the room as Matsumoto continued. Ryo was a bit stunned too, by the amount he was worth.

Matsumoto held up the last piece of paper, Shige’s scrunched up paper and gave Shige a deriding grin.

He opened the piece of paper and stood stupefied.

“… I’m pleased to announce the winner tonight… is this gentleman over here.” There was fiery and vexation in his voice. “Congratulations, here’s your prize” Matsumoto yanked Ryo by the wrist and placed his hand in Shige’s. “Now go!”

Disbelief and sounds of awe echoed throughout the room. Confounded, Ryo followed Shige who was firmly gripping on his hand and pulling him out of the commotion in haste.

“Get in the car!” Shige ordered. Ryo obediently obeyed, not knowing what else to do.

The drive seemed to last forever, both of them silent, Ryo felt like his heart was beating uncoordinatedly, but Shige was sitting there beside him, the strange but pleasant calmness made him feel safe.

Shige peeped at Ryo as he was driving, the man was looking more handsome than ever in the smart suit. He desperately wanted to think of some sensible thing to say so Ryo would look over aside from starring out the window. Pathetically he had lost himself again, intimidated by Ryo’s presence.

They eventually arrived in front of an expensive looking apartment building in Daikanyama. Ryo got out of the car and gazed around, hiding his curiosity and shock at the wealth of his ex-classmate whom he had so brainlessly pestered as a baka. After what seemed like another hour in an elevator, they finally reached Shige’s door.

Shige went in and Ryo followed. “Just make yourself at home.” Shige tried to smile in a friendly manner though his voice was trembling, kicking off his shoes he walked up the step separating the genkan from the rest of the apartment.

Ryo stood without moving, looking down, feeling terribly ashamed of himself.

Sensing the inanimate Ryo, Shige turned. “Nishikido? Ah…do you need something to drink?” It was the only stupid question he could think of.

Ryo turned his head up and looked at Shige who was a step above him. Shige was mesmerized by the sad eyes. They both stood silent again before Ryo took a step up to Shige shortening the distance between them to inches.

Their proximity almost made Shige’s heart burst, he breathed heavily, before he could ponder what Ryo was plotting, Ryo pressed his lips onto Shige’s. Shige widened his eyes in astonishment, he had dreamt about his for so long, but he had no idea what to do in the real situation, he gave up thinking soon and melted into Ryo’s soft kiss, responding eagerly with tongues intertwining.

Ryo suddenly broke off the kiss abruptly and stood back a little. “How may I serve you sir?”

Shige was taken aback by the question, realizing that the kiss that had just answered his dreams was one out of duty. The silence was deafening but they were both out of words as they stood there. Ryo shot some glances at Shige who had his head ducked down trying to hide his face, he was weeping quietly, Ryo could feel it and it was ripping his insides. He didn’t want to hurt Shige but he really didn’t know what his role was. In the end, Shige had paid to have him there, was there something else Shige wanted? Ryo pressed his lips together feeling guilty.

For what seemed like eternity, Shige finally raised his face.

“Ryo, I love you…” Shige was choking in his tears. “… I love you so much I don’t even know how to be myself anymore… can’t you just… just stop being that distant…” Tears were overflowing on Shige’s face and Ryo watched with his heart aching like a hammer slashing through.

Love… it wasn’t the first time he’d heard someone confess to him, but the first time he felt his heart responding.

Ryo pulled Shige into his embrace, so tight Shige thought he would suffocate, but it was warm and earnest. Ryo tightened his arms and leaned on Shige’s shoulder, breathing through his clothes, smelling the floral scent of the detergent.

“Shige…” The older man whispered in Shige’s ear, Shige perked them up to hear Ryo’s small voice, longing yet apprehended of what Ryo was going to say. “Shige… I don’t really know, but I think… I think I love you too…”

Shige’s heart bloomed, it was the happiest moment in his life. He pulled Ryo into another kiss, this time even more passionate, heating up as they pulled each other closer, feeling the friction and warmth against their aroused bodies.

Shige led the way though their inseparable kisses to his bedroom, gently pushing Shige down, Ryo climbed over and continued their kiss. One thing led to another, soon they were panting heavily.

Ryo rolled off Shige and lied beside him supine. Opening his eyes as Shige gently pulled the blanket over him.

“I love you Shige.”

Shige gleamed at Ryo’s shy pouty face at the confession. “I love you too Ryo, more than anything in the world…” He leaned in and kissed Ryo.

Ryo blushed and turned to lean on his side so he could see Shige. He caressed Shige’s face as he smiled gently and closing his eyes. Shige could see the tiredness on Ryo’s face.

“Ryo-chan…” Shige whispered.

Ryo popped his eyes open and frowned “Don’t call me that!”

Shige chuckled. He loved Ryo’s timidness and strong pride in trying to act otherwise. “Why did they call it your virgin’s night anyway, you can’t be a virgin right?” Ryo shot Shige a glare. “Have you ever slept with a guy?”

“Well…not really…”

“What do you mean not really?” Ryo reprimanded.

“Hahah!! You’re jealous!” Shige laughed at Ryo’s jealous face.

“Well, no… I haven’t, so there, don’t get angry…” Shige began.

Ryo pouted, “see… so you’re a virgin too…”

Shige laughed softly, then with a slightly more serious tone to change the subject. “Ryo, can you let me help you… please… I just want you to come back to school with me…”

Ryo looked at Shige straight in the eye which frightened Shige a bit. “I don’t know how rich you are Shige, but I can’t take charity from you… besides, the amount is just too large. I don’t want to owe you anything.”

“I saved you from the wicked witch tonight didn’t I? You owe me anyways.”

Ryo sighed. “True… how much did you actually bid me for?”

Shige grinned mischievously. “If I can own you for one night with 10yen, you would belong to me for the rest of my life if I paid off your father’s dept.” Shige beamed, “sounds like a good deal to me!”

“10yen?! What’s that?”

Shige smiled “I gave that guy a sheet telling him that I could either give him 10yen or use it to call the cops. The kid is underaged.”

Ryo opened his mouth, somewhat astounded yet impressed.

“O now you really owe me” he smirked, “I was gonna go back to claim my salary you know…”

Ryo bit his lower lip to suppress his grin then nudged his head onto Shige’s chest, one arm pulling him closer. “Loving me has made you smarter ne.”

Shige stuck his chin down to look down at Ryo’s head of fluffy black hair, then gave a light whisk on his head. “Baka.”

So it's over!!!!
ahh...i hope you guys are satisfied, i guess everyone pretty much guessed the ending ^^ but still, hope it was a nice ending u guys wanted.

I'm happy so now I can start a new fic soon ^^
and I'M SUPER HAPPY that I'm going to JAPAN next week!!!!!!!!! YATTA!!!!!
ok, totally unrelated...heeee
but i usually write my travel journals here as well, like my previous posts if you haven't seen.
so hope u guys will read my travel entry too when i come back ^^
Thanks all for your lovely comments thoughout!!!!

ryoshige, fanfic

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