Kanjani∞ PUZZLE Hokkaido 21/6/09 1300 show

Jun 21, 2009 15:58

*___* I am officially certified dead...
read on and u'll know why...

well, my final concert on this trip, went with mixed feelings... i looked forward to it, but at the same time, i never want this to end...
this time my seat was way further than yesterday, i was on the 1st level of the stands, last row. well, it's not thatt far considering the hall isn't that big, but faces got much smaller. But there's a good thing about not sitting on arenas, that is u get a better picture of the whole thing and where everybody is, u see the stage from above and the setting is clearer (^ _ ^ ) so i'm as content.

ok  highlights again. not full set list XD and Ryo focused hoho

1. started off the same way, but the "concert manners" movie was a little different towards the end, Yoko said something about everyone being Type B bloodtype and stuff...

2. Musekinin hero: wonderful to see the full picture!!! Ryo had same hairstyle as yesterday, which is the hairstyle he has everyday now :) i bet he can't change them for the dramas he's doing.

3.It's my soul :everyone was dispersed to different sites around the hall, Ryo was at the mainstage facing those at the back .. (notice very far from me, and back to me ...>_< hah, but i'm still taking my binoculars and focusing on him, to a point i forgot who was standing closest on those rising stands to me ;_; ) and!!! Ryo was in a g8 mood!! being all flirty and stuff, basically he was pointing to a specific person everytime those dance steps including pointing gestures, and u can see those girls being pointed out by him were screaming!!!

4.Kanfuu fighting, well, they ended up in individual stands back stage that are connected by cloths that resemble dragon skin. and Tacchon was closest to me!!! good thing about stands is that u see them at eye level, and not like arenas where u have to look up all the time. well!! the one next to Tacchon was RYO!!! (yup u guessed it!!! so i was looking at him again ^^)

5.The choreography for Ichibyo kiss was SUPERBLY sexy and beautiful, they stood at the main stage, and of course my eyes were on SEXY RYO!!  i think it was also in this song Ryo choked some solo lines in his laughing, and ppl were like  >__<'''!!!!!!! SCREAMING!!!! well, he was sexy all along, till the end they gathered in a pose where he did this cute smile and pointed a finger to his face (u can imagine that look!!) awww....got ppl screaming again..

6.Glorious : i love this song too much i don't know what to say about it... but Ryo was standing the farthest corner from my side..so not as enjoyable as yesterday.

7. Kicyu: !!!!! Yoko is getting more Kakkoi with his new body, Shota forgot some lines and ppl were ehhh??!! then tried to remind him, then he said "gomen ne" and looked at the screen to see the lyrics a bit so as to get back on beat.. ^^ ahh...so cute!!

8.PUZZLE : I ADore this song too.... they start showing chibi pics and i scream at every Ryo pic of course!!! I think the suit for this song is beautiful, "shota ranger blue" color suit, RYO started the first line on our side!!!! tho the little stage didn't rise, but i screamed like mad!!! cos he is so BREATHTAKINGLY beautiful!!!! that sad face whilst he sang those lines... (-____-..) almost got me crying..

9.Kawaita Hana was a song in the same blue suit but with white gloves. ~!!!! beautiful!!! forgot to describe Ryo's suit, there's that blue suit with sparkly blue trousers, and inside was a black vest and black tie... |( *o* )| how can i exclaim more about that look!!!

10. Eito ranger skit had the same story, i guess there were small changes here and there cos ppl exclaimed and laughed at certain places..but w/ my limited jap, i can only manage to understand the big picture and not those small spots...-___-.. but it was still hilarious!! and Orange ranger were doing all these weird dance moves that got Ryo giggling in the back.. (eee!!! MaruRyo rabu kakaka!!) The group singing part like west side story thing was much better from this angle, saw how they were dancing and stuff, some ballet moves!! haha, raising your leg and hand at the same time and jumping up...^^ Ryo is so graceful~!!
saw from this angle Ryo's innocent and guilty face after stabbing Hina (Nasu they keep calling him, i dunno why tho...) and Subaru going over to console him.  !forgot to mention the place where this hatashi jou came with an arrow which was supposed to look like it flew into Ryo, but haha, it looked so fake and Subaru and Ryo were trying to suppress their giggles..

11. Giga maji mega fight. IT was just HIGH tension in the hall, i keep forgetting what happened here, they were going around i think, throwing signed balls~?! none to my way...sadly... -___-...

12. MC: ok, so MC starts and they go back to the main stage, as before Ryo arranges his ranger suit so it's worn as pants. then he goes to the middle where a  lot of bottles are gathered in a stack, Coke and that colorful bottle which is probably water. Shota and Hina is farther from the middle and they don't go and get drinks, so Ryo throws it to them, and each bottle is throw right to their palms in a beautiful curve that got all the girls screaming!!!! basically after that Ryo didn't say anything, and just stood rubbing his elbows, taking a drink once in while etc.. Yoko did the most talking, and mostly about food, about special delicacies in Hokkaido, curry soup etc. after a long time about food, they talk about doramas and Ryo started talking again, advertising about "Orthos no inu" and Yoko was asking whether it's like Ryo's past dramas with all those teary scenes, and Ryo was like, saying that he always did these dramas with lots of crying, he said during Last friends, even when he wasn't crying overtly, there were tears in his eyes whilst he was saying the lines.. and they talk about Ryo's drama for 24 hour telebi and how it's sad like 1 litre of tears, and i think Yoko said something like it should also be called something like 1 liter of tears...haha..
Then Hina started talking, and Yoko was saying Hina wanted roles with love scenes, and Hina was like ?!?! noooo! and they asked around, and of course, RYO did have kissing scenes before, and in his *shy* and *teethy smiley* look, he said he had this kiss scene with Nagasawa Masami and it was super embarrasing, and how they had this fake practise 2 times before the real thing, and he was scared so he drank coffee and stuff... (like previous times he mentioned about this).(.^___^!!! ) Ryo's shy face is soooo CUTEE!!!
then they go around and each talk about their experience with kiss scenes, and Yoko said he did have it once, and ppl were like?!?!? really??!? apparently no one remembered, and Yoko explained that it was in some way a kiss scene, where this girl was lying down ?dead? and he kissed her (i have never seen this drama i don;t know) then Maru asked if it was a kiss or a chu! haha
Maru went on to describe the fake kiss scenes he has had.

13. Brulee!! KAKKOI as always, with balls of fire roaring up on stage!! beautiful and cool dance moves!!

14. Zukkoke Otokomichi: I have always loved this song!! and members were going around, and Ryo waved to our side, then continued walking till at some point he stopped again and did the "shaking hips with sticking out of crotch" movement!! *___* ahhh....sexy sexy.

15. Band session was ~!!@_@ u don't know, i tried taping it, with all those staff walking around, i was freaking scared, and the clip disappeared when i got back to check, i think i didn't even press hard enof to start in the beginning cos i was so freaking scared.... sigh...and i wasted my hands on this without using the binoculars.... (...-_____-...... )i want to cry...
but anyways, band show was great, Ryo didn't have a hat on this time, but still Kakkoi as always.
sang Gori Gori, Jyonetsu party and Rolling coaster etc... ^___^ i really love it like mad, esp Rolling coaster, Ryo is so cool with his guitar.

16. Encore.
so listen to why i died.
Ryo came out, not naked no, no nakedness in this show either...booo....
with a white towel wrapped around his head, and HIS RUSS-K shirt!!!!! Ryo's face one!!! ppl were screaming again!!! anndddd the girl next to me asked me if i liked RYO, which was obvious, cos i had 2 Ryo uchiwas!! and she told me Ryo would come up on our side to go to the second level....
ok...so IT DID HAPPEN!!!! Ryo running up our side, i scrammed to the aisle seat, (those girls are so nice, they let u thru and some just stayed in their seats) and those guards were already using their bodies to block crazy girls like me who just wanted to jump to Ryo, and Ryo was walking closer and closer up the stairs!!!!!!!!! (i was on the last row closest the exit remember) and i watched him walk closer and closer...my mind was blank as the man of my dreams were like only feet away, i stuck out my left arm and literally grabbed him, TOUCHED HIM TOUCHED HIM!!! touched his right chest (his right boob~! >_<) with my left hand!!! the closest we were was like only 30cm apart!!!!!!! OMG!!!! his face is sooooooooooooo pretty, his skin is sooooooo clear and flawless.....his eyes .........ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i swear i died that second.... RYO being THAT close and touching him.... ^_______________^ ....
then Ryo got to the second level and were on those rolling stands so those on the highest stair seats could see him...and AND!!! he actually looked down to our level again and WAVED at ME!!!!!!!!! (ok, maybe not only to me but also the ppl around me ,) but there was EYE contacTdefinitely!!! O Ryo don't kill me anymore!!!!!
ok, so the end was... i died.......the whole surreality, being so close to the person I LOVE so much  (*________*  ) i'm still dizzy with my heart racing right now....

17. Later on Maru came down from our side!!!! i didn't run to the aisle to touch him tho, those other girls should have their chance~ ^^

18. i don;t know what happened to Ryo after that cos when they gathered again to main stage to say bye and thank the audience, Ryo was all moody and didn't smile at all. and he was the first to disappear back inside where the others were still waving and Maru still doing the Paaaan thing with the audience..

\(^__^ )/ ~~ how can i express myself
I have just lived a dream
I have just touched Ryo's chest~!
Ryo had just looked my way and waved at me~
I think i have died without regrets in my life..... -_______-
God how can i thank you more..
For making Ryo, and letting me know him and love him ...^___^....
**tears overflowing**

concert report, kanjani8

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