
Mar 11, 2009 23:32

I Finally got my Calenders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
even tho many unhappy things happened recently
receiving those calenders really cheered me up ^^
btw, i got NEWS and Kanjani8's ...
i actually like K8's more....
even tho Ryo is definitely more Kakkoi in NEWS' one..
but Kanjani's really cracked me up...
from wrapping !!!! that "Omiyage" look is really cute!!!!
and there are soooo mannnnny pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
much more than NEWS..... only a handful.....
K8 is always so creative with these things ne :)
i havent thought out where to put these yet tho, and also the one from last yr.....
keeping all these boxes is gonna require a lot of space >___<''''

news, kanjani8

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