translation: non-no 2010 no.7 Ryo's part

Apr 04, 2010 11:20

haven't done any constructive thing with my Lj in a lonng while,
so here, i present the translations of Ryo's Q&A part from Non-no 2010.4.5
sorry, just Ryo's part... >< utterly lazy.
let's see what our ero sexy osakan has to say ---->

(questions starting from Left upper corner)

Q: If you were to have super powers, what super powers would u want in your hands?
A: I want the power to take other people's powers. Have you seen "HEROS" ? The main character can learn the powers of other people. I want a super power like that! By the way, I'd like to take whatever powers the other members have? right... but i probably don't have one special power i want. (laughs ^^)

Q: Things that remind you of your previous girlfriend...are you those who can't throw away those stuff?
A: I think I would be able to throw them away. But I think the new girlfriend would definitely not like that... It's somehow difficult to throw them away. I think all guys think that way.

Q: If you were to become the manager of your group, which member do you not want?
A: MARU-CHAN! every little thing, silly thing, would get this man angry.

Q: Which member's manager would you not want to be?
A: MARU-CHAN! cause it seems I would be scolded about whatever small matter. (laughs ><)

Q: "This is something I would not lose to other members!" what is that skill you are proud of?
A: Rubic's cube. I can arrange all the correct colors in about 2 minutes!

Q: When you go to shops where there's a line. Who's the first person who would give up lining ?
A:Okura. That guy anyway just wants to eat a lot. If there is a line, he'd rather go to another place where he could sit back and enjoy eating harmoniously.
(i just tried to translate the meaning here, cos i didn't get every word)

Q: Up till now, what is your "MAX dating plan" you have in mind?
A:  I want to go on the Safari. Then, on the way back we'd go and eat, then we'll park the car and go for a drink. "we're going back, what should be do then?" she'd ask. Then i'd say "let's go home", and then she'd stay over.... If she stays over, i'll definitely see her back home the next morning!!

Q: If you were to become the prime minister, first of all, what will you initiate?
A: You'd get a bonus if you have 3 or more kids. Cause there are not enough kids. I plan to have about 15 children. I'd marry a lot of people. Lying, I'll definitely just marry one person. (laughs :P)

15 kids??? ><'' Ryo, are u going to marry a pig!!
and ya, we know u are just planning everything so the girl comes home with you in the end....

hope u guys enjoyed this like i did :)
pls comment, if u do, i'd be less lazy and translate more ^^

translations, ryo

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