what about NEWS concerts?!

Mar 25, 2010 18:25

i know NEWS doesn't sell as much CDs,
but that's cos they don't get enough promotions.
There KAT-TUN is going worldwide,and NEWS doesn't even have a concert in the local area.
why is there so much unfairness!!!!

but anyway, truthfully, i wouldn't want NEWS to be like KAT-TUN in anyway.
NEWS gives off a feeling of youth and carefree
with KAT-TUN, there's this tension, and not the "tension" that japanese like to say for something good.

ppl who read this would apparently understand that i'm not much of a KAT-TUN fan.
tho sometimes i still listen to their songs , and i know Jin is a pal of my 2 favourites

on the good side, i wouldn't want NEWS to be going on a world tour and Yamapi for instance going somewhere else. so , there, everything has a good side to it.

my big wish is still that NEWS singles sell better and that they get a tour this year
and my beloved Ryo-chan gets more offers with anything!!!!

news, kat-tun

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