You Are Here, Like A Mystery (part 3)

May 02, 2010 18:06

Title: You Are Here, Like A Mystery (part 3)
Characters: Sun, Jin, Hurley, Kate, Jack, Juliet, Sawyer, Rosie, Jerry, Ben, Roger, Phil, Miles. Mentions of Radzinsky and Sayid.
Pairing: Sun/Jin
Warnings: Spoilers mainly for He's Our You in this chapter. AU from Namaste.
Rating: PG
Summary: What if Sun had ended up in 1977? In this chapter, Jin tries to help Sun settle in at the Staff, but the threat of Sayid's fate continues to hang over them all. Sun begins her work at the Staff, but is shocked to find out who her first patient will be.

Part 1 is here

Part 2 is here

Sun tried to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach as she took her tray over towards where Kate and Jack were sitting in the cafeteria. Today was her first day of her assignment at the Staff, and in spite of her words to Juliet the night before, she still felt unsure about it.

Hurley had also joined them, by the time Sun arrived, and it sounded like he was asking about the Sayid situation, but it sounded like Jack had learned nothing from his visit to Sawyer.

“Did Jin tell you anything last night?” Hurley asked, before hastily interrupting “Sorry, dude. Sayid was probably the last thing on your mind, since it was your first night together in three years. I’m sure you were…otherwise occupied.”

“Hurley!” Sun exclaimed, although she did share a secret smile with Kate when he wasn’t looking. “We still have so much to say to each other, even though we were talking late into the night last night,” she sighed, trying not to be caught staring in the direction of the other side of the cafeteria, where Jin was sat with Miles, Phil and another man, pretending to listen to something Miles was saying.

Hurley grinned. “Yeah, they were otherwise occupied.”

“I think I’ll ask Juliet later,” Kate changed the subject. “Maybe she’ll tell me more about Sayid.”

“But if Sawyer wouldn’t say anything, then why would Juliet?” Hurley asked.

Kate frowned. “Why wouldn’t she?”

“You know they’re living together, right? Like, not as roommates.”

“Oh.” Kate appeared lost for words.

Hurley, realising he’d made a blunder, hurriedly excused himself, muttering something about needing to prepare more food.

“Did you know?” Kate turned towards Jack, then towards Sun.

“Yeah,” Jack admitted, and Sun nodded. “Juliet told me last night. But she did not say anything about Sayid,” she went on, hoping to distract Kate. Unfortunately, however, the subject of their discussion approached them at that moment, leading a woman with long brown hair over towards them. Sun saw that the name on her overalls read “Rosie: Nurse”.

“It’s Sun, isn’t it? The new nurse.” Juliet smiled. “This is Rosie, and she’s going to be looking after you while you get settled in. She was based at the Looking Glass, but just transferred over to the Staff herself.”

The Looking Glass? Sun thought as she mechanically shook Rosie’s hand. Isn’t that the underwater station where Charlie deactivated that code? Why would a medical station be there?

“Kate, I’ll show you to the motor pool now,” Juliet said as Rosie led Sun away, waving at the man who was sitting with Jin, Phil and Miles.

“That’s Jerry,” Rosie explained. “My boyfriend. He works in Security with Phil, who I think you met yesterday.”

“Yes, Phil introduced himself at processing.” Sun cut in before Rosie could make the obligatory comment about how they also worked with another Korean and what a coincidence it was. “I think I saw you too, at inoculation.”

“That’s right!” Rosie exclaimed. “So, were you told much about the Staff when you got your assignment?” she asked as they got into the DHARMA van.

“Just that it was a medical station,” Sun replied, trying to ignore Juliet’s voice in her head: It’s where they brought the pregnant women to die.

“That’s it?” Rosie frowned. “Who processed you?”

“A man named Dr. Chang,” Sun explained.

“Oh, him.” Rosie rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t usually do the processing, that’s why you didn’t get much of an overview from him. He only got dragged in to replace Amy at the last minute. Nice guy, but spends a lot more time in his lab than with the rest of us. Anyway, we’re here now, so I’ll give you the overview at the same time as the guided tour.”

Sum thought back to when she had last gone there with Daniel and Charlotte to find the surgical instruments for Jack’s appendectomy, and how Daniel had been surprised that the station still had power. She didn’t know why she was surprised to see the place looking more lived-in now.

“Okay, so as you know, the Staff is one of our medical stations,” Rosie began. “It’s not the main centre, we have our own infirmary back at the Barracks where a lot of the day-to-day cases get treated. In fact, you’ll get to go over there at some point. We have our quiet days here, and that’s when you’ll get called on to help out there. Or if there’s an emergency.”

“So what is done here?” Sun asked.

Rosie whistled. “You really weren’t told anything, were you? Okay, this is where we do the inoculations, like you had at processing. Everyone gets a booster shot of this vaccine every nine days,” she explained, holding out a case of it to show Sun. Isn’t this what Charlie gave to Claire, but then Desmond said it didn’t do anything? Sun wondered, but Rosie continued talking with “You’ll probably just observe the first time, but that won’t be until next week anyway. We just did a load before all the new recruits arrived.”

Leading Sun into another room, Rosie continued “And this is where we keep all our medical supplies and equipment. We always keep a supply here, and if the infirmary ever runs out of anything, they’ll send out here for it. But I don’t need to show you everything around here, since you’ll have dealt with it all when you worked as a nurse back home.”

Maybe the person who was originally supposed to have that assignment but had dropped out had dealt with it before, Sun thought, but she just had to pray that she remembered enough of what Daniel had showed her the last time she’d been here, either that or ask Juliet for a crash course. She wondered whether Kate was having the same experience in the motor pool.

“This room here is where we deal with obstetrics,” Rosie went on. “Not that babies are usually born here, of course. Mothers are usually put on the sub a couple of weeks before they’re due and taken to the mainland. Amy was supposed to be put on the sub right after processing you, actually. Unfortunately, little Ethan had other ideas and decided to come early.”

“Ethan?” Sun blurted out before she could stop herself. Ethan, as in the Other who had infiltrated them, kidnapped Claire and brought her to that same station? It couldn’t be, surely?

But Rosie hadn’t appeared to notice anything amiss. “Yeah, Amy and Horace went through a lot of names before settling on Ethan. Anyway, where was I? That’s right, obstetrics. So the babies aren’t usually born here, but we do all the scans and other prenatal stuff here. You won’t have to deal with anything like that for a while yet, I don’t think, but I’ll give you the guided tour anyway.”

OK, you crashed here ninety days ago. The baby was conceived about eight weeks ago, so around fifty three days. You got pregnant on the Island.

It’s Jin’s!

You gave me good news, Juliet.

Sun couldn’t even concentrate on anything Rosie was saying as the memories surged to the surface of her mind. She remembered the moment she’d been told that she only had two months to live, but how that had been eclipsed by the happiness she had felt at knowing her baby was Jin’s after all, and the hope she had felt at the prospect that she, Jin and their baby may end up escaping the island together. There seemed no hope for Sun now; she had no idea how they would ever leave 1977 and return to a time where they could be with Ji Yeon again, in fact it seemed as though some of their friends didn’t even want to leave 1977.

Sun thought for a moment that Rosie was watching her, about to say something, but before she had chance to, a DHARMA van pulled up outside the station.

“Jerry!” Rosie exclaimed, running out of the door to throw her arms around the man Sun had seen her waving at in the canteen earlier.

“You brought me brownies the day before yesterday, today I’m bringing you lunch!” Jerry said, turning and holding a hand out to Sun. “Hello, you must be Sun. I’m Jerry.”

“Nice to meet you,” Sun replied, shaking his hand.

“Phil isn’t with you, is he?” Rosie asked. “He’ll freak. You know how he was with us right before…the whole Horace thing.”

“No, Phil isn’t here today, we switched.” Jerry explained. “I’m working with Jin today. Phil told you we had another Korean, right? This is Jin,” he said, gesturing behind him. “Jin, meet our new recruit, Sun.”

“What are you doing here?” Sun asked in Korean, reaching for Jin’s hand and shaking it as though he were a stranger. “I thought we were not supposed to see each other.”

“I had to come,” Jin replied. “I know this must be upsetting for you. You should not have been put in this position, and I have told James and Juliet so.”

“Juliet said that it was the best thing they could do at such short notice,” Sun answered.

“I will speak to them again,” Jin vowed. “It is more important to me that you are happy than that we avoid suspicion.”

“It is hard,” Sun admitted. “I miss her so much, and you know how I wanted to bring you home to meet her.”

Jerry and Rosie, obviously buying that they were just introducing themselves for the first time, looked at each other and smiled indulgently.

“But I am coping,” Sun continued. “Although when Rosie showed me the medical equipment this morning, I struggled to remember everything Daniel showed us when we were here before.”

“Then remember instead the way you were with Shannon with her asthma not long after the crash,” Jin reminded her. “And also how you helped Jack with Boone. I know you can do this, Sun, and that the medical team are lucky to have you.”

“Hey, guys,” Rosie interrupted, “Jerry and I are just gonna go outside for a few minutes. We’ll leave you to reminisce about your old country.”

As soon as the door shut behind them, Jin’s face broke into a smile. “I was beginning to think they were never going to leave,” he whispered, pulling Sun into an embrace.

“How much longer are we supposed to keep up this pretence?” Sun asked.

“I don’t know,” Jin replied. “Rosie and Jerry have been carrying on sneaking around, trying to see each other on shift behind Sawyer’s back since I’ve been here.”

“But they can be together at other times, since everyone knows they are in a relationship,” Sun pointed out.

Just then Rosie and Jerry walked back into the station, Rosie stopping abruptly at the sight of the look on Sun’s face.

“Sun? What’s wrong?”

“It is my fault,” Jin jumped in. “I think all my talk of the old country is making Sun homesick for Korea.”

Rosie appeared to accept this explanation. “Oh, Sun, you should have told me! I know it can be strange here at first, it took me a few days to settle in when I arrived back in ‘73. But it won’t take you long to become one of us. There’s a really friendly atmosphere here. Jerry and I will introduce you to some of our friends - you’ll love my friend Casey, she’s a gemologist. Maybe tonight we could -” She broke off, suddenly aware that Jerry was shaking his head and frowning.

“Not tonight, Rosie,” he said. “That’s actually another reason why I called by. Horace and Radzinsky have called a meeting tonight to discuss the situation.”

“Sayid,” Jin mouthed to Sun when Jerry wasn’t looking.

“Radzinsky seems to think it’s a foregone conclusion,” Jerry went on. “He thinks everyone will vote to shoot.”

“Hey, Sun.” Kate said as she opened the door that night. “How did you get on at the Staff? I had a bit of an awkward moment with Juliet earlier, and there was this one guy who introduced himself to me, and it turned out his name was -”

“I have news of Sayid,” Sun interrupted. “I thought you would want to know. Jin’s friend Jerry said there is a meeting tonight about him, and that they may decide to shoot him.”

“I saw him earlier with Sawyer, actually,” Kate replied. “But Sawyer won’t let that happen. I’m sure he’ll find some way to save Sayid.”

“They are probably discussing it right now,” Sun said. “So I hope you are right, Kate.”

Kate was about to reply to this, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Sorry about this. I won’t be long.”

Sun recognised the voice she heard as Sawyer’s, and realised that the meeting must be over. She wondered whether he had found a solution as Kate believed, or whether even now the man named Radzinsky was preparing for Sayid’s execution.

“I wanna know…Why’d y’all come back?” she heard Sawyer ask.

“I don’t know why everyone else came back,” she heard Kate answering. “I just know why I did.”

Sun had to admit she’d wondered that one herself, since Kate had left them at the marina vowing to have nothing to do with the plan, and the next thing she had known had been when Kate had arrived at the airport, minus Aaron. But the answer was not to be revealed now, for the next thing she heard was a crash, followed by a “What the hell?” from Sawyer.

Sun ran out and was horrified to see a blazing DHARMA van had crashed into one of the houses.

“Sun? Are you okay?” Kate asked, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her over to where Sawyer was helping some woman climb out of the burning building.

“Three years, no burning buses. Y’all are back just one day…” Sawyer growled, glaring at Jack, who was attempting to hose down the burning building.

“Kate? Have you seen Jin?” Sun asked, frantically scanning the crowd for him, but she could see no sign of him anywhere.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Kate replied, before being distracted by a man named Roger coming over to talk to her.

“Sun, look, there he is!” Hurley broke away from the futon he was moving, grabbed her arm, pointed in the direction of Jin running from one of the vans, carrying someone in his arms. Kate’s companion yelled something Sun didn’t hear, before taking off at a run after them.

“Sun? Thank goodness, I need you.” Sun blinked at the sight of Juliet, coming from the direction that Jin had taken off in.

“What is wrong? Is it Jin? Is he - ?” Sun clutched at Juliet’s arm.

Juliet shook her head. “Jin’s fine. It’s the kid he was carrying. He’s been shot, Jin was taking him to the infirmary. I need you there with me to help me stop the bleeding.”

Sun nodded, was about to run after her but Juliet held up her hand.

“There’s something you should know,” she began. “The kid…it’s Benjamin Linus.”

To be continued…

lost: jerry, lost: miles straume, lost: phil, lost: sawyer, lost: ben linus, lost: kate austen, series: you are here like a mystery, lost: jin kwon, lost: jack shephard, lost: juliet burke, lost: rosie, lost: hurley reyes, lost: sun kwon, lost: roger linus

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