new bluuuds

Feb 01, 2011 16:44

Sup laaaawds. Little by little I'm going from lj-loner to lj-boner not-loner! Hurraaaah!

New friendy-friends from the Persona meeeeme are neko_saruwatari, kopin, lovelynow aaaaand schlei! Hello hello, hi, what is up brothers. You are all very cool and I'm sure we can all laugh over my dumb entries together. :B

AND TO GO WITH TEKIRAI CUSTOMS I AM GOING TO steal a meme from neko_saruwatari because meow I like memes and I like this one. It's all about FANFIC!!1one gosh I love fanfic

1. How about a brief introduction of yourself?

I am the best reader ever. Because I read everything. I am the worst writer ever. Because I don't write anything.

2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?

Code Lyoko was my intro into the concept of fandoms, not just fanfic. Through it I started to use the internet again (was on it from age 9-11 until I got sick of drama, would you believe, and then I was on again a couple of months before I turned 13) and it's because of this that I love this series so much. In hindsight, it was pretty sucky most of the time, but my early teens were spent fangasming over this show like nuts. And, of course, it got me writing in the first place.

Fanfic made me realise a lot of things, like how much I absolutely love it and that I quite like romance. And that I can actually write pretty decently myself. That last thing took a while, though.

3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?

Humour and romance. I try to write a fairly angsty not-meant-to-be romance and it ends up being hilarious. I hate myself.

4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore?

All the non-gen fic I wrote was for Ulrich/Yumi from CL. Since I still find it hard to consistently write fic anymore, it is still the only pairing I write, considering the last fic I uploaded was one for these two and it was my first fic in years.

Lately I'm writing snippets of Legal/Layton and random Homestuck crack pairings though. Mainly Gamzee/Lord English.

I do not know why.

5. What is your most popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so?

Probably has to be Freaky Felines, a dumb Code Lyoko fic where everyone was turned into cats. This was during the time my obsessiveness with Code Lyoko branched into Tokyo Mew Mew with my introduction to manga, so there are a LOT of parallels... I guess people liked it because they liked the idea and the humour. Going by the reviews, anyway.

Out of all my fic, this is probably the most salvageable.

6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of?

They Came From Space, my latest one. It's a bit weird and different compared to other fics of its kind, and it turned out NOTHING like I intended, but it seems to have worked.

Proud probably isn't the best word here. I look at this fic and go 8\ 8/ 8\ 8| 8\) most of the time

7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

The transition of ideas from my head to paper/keyboard I find impossible. Once in a blue moon I bang it out and I'm like super, this is what I wanted. Most of the time, because the idea stays in my head instead, random stuff changes it and it isn't so good anymore.

Inspiration is never a problem since I could be inspired by a lonely toothpick.

8. Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.

Teddie loved Topsicles.

He loved them, oh so much. He loved them more than girls. More than sensei. More than Nanako. Not even scoring all the hot, hot studs in the world could top those cavity-inducing, cold, creamy bars of sweetness.

They could not be topped, for they were Topsicles. In Teddie's world, this was absolute.

One day, Teddie asked Yosuke if he could marry the partially melting ice-cream treat sat in his hands. The teenager gave him another scary look and told him not to ask dumb questions and told him to wipe his mouth because he was drooling over the damn thing like an idiot.

Yosuke wouldn't get it, Teddie thought as he stuck the Topsicle into his mouth. Its sweetness began to seep into his mouth and the cold of it ran through his body, racking it with a shudder. Nothing else had ever made the Shadow feel like this before. Yosuke had probably never felt this - never felt the jealousy when Kanji would approach with several Topsicles in his hands, the emptiness when there was nothing left but the wooden stick and the wrapper, the delight when the stick was able to be exchanged for another one, the relief it gave on the hottest summer days...

So many emotions from a single frozen bar.


It made Teddie feel strange sometimes, too. But he felt happy, and it was all that mattered.

"......Teddie, I swear to god - if that was a moan I just heard, I'm kicking you out of here. Right now."


........I don't know

9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of?

Same-sex (or even het - but for guy/guy it is atrocious how common this is) shipping that the writer can only manage to write if they can completely massacre the characters' personalities. Oh my god I hate this.

Uninteresting self-inserts and OCs also make me frowny-face. I've seen good ones before, though, which is why I'm not too mad about this.

10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones?

I'm somewhat proud of myself because the only time I wrote a self-insert fic, it was pretty much a PARODY of self-inserts.

It still sucked though. It reeked of 12 year old internet teenage girl. Didn't pair myself up with anyone, either.

11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it?

Code Lyoko! ....again!

Constantly changing my mind as to whether or not I still write for it. Sadly all the fic for it now sucks since the series ended. You'd think after the hundredth self-insert fic they'd realise it DOESN'T WORK

12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write.

I don't really have any OTPs, but I do switch the ones I'm most interested in a lot... right now it's Legal/Layton and a bunch of Homestuck stuff that I'm into/currently writing. I just like them as characters, and I looooove character intereaction c:

13. What would you call your writing "style"?

Very self-detrimental, in a very drole way. Probably because I enjoy writing about teenagers feeling awkward about everything and killing themselves other the weird thoughts they have.

Because, y'know, I never did.

14. Do you read other people's fanfics?

Half of my life has probably been spent reading. Half of that time has probably been spent reading fanfic.

15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.

....being afraid/shy isn't really the reason for this, but I find it incredibly hard to write anything CLOSE to porn without the focus being more on the thoughts and the feelings than the....stuff. I can't even write sloppy makeouts without one of them people involved going OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD on the inside and the other going OH YES OH YES OH YES

It's surprising considering the SHEER AMOUNT of this sort of thing that I've read.

16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?

The thing is, I never really got criticism in my oh my god I really just typed that hahahahaha

The stuff I wrote was silly and goofy, and even people I acknowledged to be at least somewhat good writers would just tell me to keep going, it made them laugh. Back then, that was all I really wanted to do - to make someone laugh out loud in a library and try to explain it or look nonchalant about it.

The latest thing I wrote showed my writing ability the best, and it's gotten nothing but positive comments, so...

My ego is also critically deflated and has been for years. Please donate a compliment a month to make it at least somewhat more healthy.

17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?

Knowing that it is like 2am. I do not know why this helps.

18. What inspires you?

My brain.

It comes up with some cool stuff. Like it's a seperate entity and I am just its carrier.

19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?

Sissi just stared. 'I can't believe that dork! Why did he go out with some baby, when he could have gone out with ME?'

A loaf of french bread hit Sissi squarely on the back of her head. The figure who threw it jumped behind Odd without him noticing.

'What the..' There was something written on the bread. It read: (hey, that rhymed!)

Luv Tekirai
P.S Crazy cows will start attacking in the next three seconds after you read this sentence.

Sissi stared at it, 'What the hell is that supposed to mean?'

She was cut off by a stampede of crazy cows who appeared in a poof cloud of hairbrushes. 'MOO!' They cried as they stomped with their mighty feet!


Wait, now's not the time to be admiring yourself! She shook her head, ears flapping everywhere, and grew serious. I should be panicking right now! XANA's turned me into a cat, and I'm sure the others are too!


When he finished admiring the plain whiteness of the floor and wishing his head was like that right then, he grunted a reply. "Fantastic."

1 - This is from my first eeeever fanfic. At least, I think so. I get the feeling I wrote one or two things on the official CL forums before anything on yeah, you can see how I was one of those writers. Just wrote loads of random shit ie I LIKE COOKIES!!! and called it humour. I guess it is, if you're 12. Which I was. Wasn't too bad, though, regardless.

also pssst the Tekirai here isn't me even though I now use the name Tekirai - this is an OC of mine, who still lives to this day! She just doesn't look like the offspring of a human and a Latias anymore, nor does she have the intelligence and hyperactivity of a mechnical ferret. Jet, too, to the absymally few people who read this and remember.

2 - My last bit of fic before my 3 year hiatus, fanfic writingwise. I had planned many Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fics, but since my first laptop died and a lot of stuff ended up lost forever, I lost the motivation for it. Lost the first part of They Came From Space too, and I wasn't able to write as good an intro as it was...

By this point I started actually writing properly. I discovered that internet paragraphs do not consist of one sentence.

3- aaand this is an exerpt from my slightly frustrating They Came From Space, my annoyance at how much fanfic for this pairing SUCKED this whole time in one big oneshot. The change in writing style is gigantic, even my sillyness (this is the only part of that nature) is different and more careful.

This was the best way to really answer this question. I could type forever and it wouldn't say anything. Stuff I wrote years ago and stuff that's fairly recent does this much better.

20. Tag some friends, because they'll hate you for it.

...anyone on my fl who even likes fanfic?? Or writes it, I guess. 8V

meme, boing, zzzzz, code lyoko, fanfic woez, persona

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