Jan 30, 2011 16:14
The longer I leave my icon post the more iconable pictures reveal themselves to me. y u do dis
Homestuck I am just tiring of going WHAT over now, I'm just gonna sit back and see what happens next honestly lol
I KEEP MEANING TO ORDER GHOST TRICK but nope. Need to do that eventually. I hear it's great!
I randomly took a notion to replay either Spyro: A Hero's Tail or the first Ape Escape. I ended up going with the former for now - I never realised before how nice a soundtrack this game has. The obligatory snow and ice level in particular has a really nice wintery song. I like it. I'm also trying to finish off all the leftover puzzles in the Layton games, BUT I SWEAR TO GOD THAT PARROT MINIGAME IS GOING TO ARGL\GJRLGDC;H
I was also thinking about CODENAME: KIDS NEXT DOOR of all things would you believe lately. I remember liking that show at first and then I thought it was pretty stupid since the idea of ADULTS ARE BAD!!!1one was just a bit too silly for me. Why couldn't I be a normal kid. But looking back it was quite cute, and I guess it is now on the list of "cartoons for Teki to someday watch from beginning to end". I remember the movie being cool.
vidja games,
nostalgia train toot toot,
a pretty normal post