Mar 30, 2008 13:43

Holly? Lock the door again. I know you said it was locked (didn't you?) but I don't trust your methods. Seven, you know, is a universally revered number, lock it and unlock it seven times. Just to make sure. It would be ridiculous for someone of my caliber to get stolen from, much less to have a break-in of any sort. Aren't we supposed to have anti ( Read more... )

say hello to my ego, ocd curse, still reeling from the triplet story?, ho ho ho!, freud wore women's panties, o thank zeus, heroism can be so banal, holly, artemis, monogamous sex is rotting your brain, i r teh goodfellow, curse, hermes blow me

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ishiah March 30 2008, 19:34:26 UTC
I'll see that the bar is stocking Poland mineral water if you'd care to come by after midnight, Mr. Hughes.


tehpuck March 30 2008, 22:32:11 UTC
I assure you that the reason I'm not laughing is because your joke isn't funny, not because I forgot to laugh or any such nonsense.


ishiah March 30 2008, 22:38:56 UTC
I stand assured, and the invitation remains open. Three of my staff are affected, you can be assured that all glasses are scrupulously clean.


tehpuck March 30 2008, 22:45:23 UTC
I'll think on it. Just as soon as I finish cleaning the apartment. And fixing the windows.


ishiah March 30 2008, 22:56:50 UTC
After several months of your residency I'm surprised the ingrained secretions don't require a full steam clean to shift.


tehpuck March 30 2008, 23:04:32 UTC
...Good idea.


ishiah March 30 2008, 23:14:31 UTC
Book it for tomorrow, Robin.


tehpuck March 30 2008, 23:21:34 UTC
I think not. Tomorrow is unlucky, anyway, so I really shouldn't do anything of import.

But your sudden desire to have me grace your bar is flattering, really, however misplaced.


ishiah March 30 2008, 23:28:22 UTC
Give me credit for recognising when you're going to need a drink.


tehpuck March 30 2008, 23:30:33 UTC
Ishiah, if you couldn't figure that out, by now, you really would be as dumb as you look.


ishiah March 30 2008, 23:37:47 UTC
A shame none of the statues ever caught your true calling. 'Pan, seen dusting.'


tehpuck March 30 2008, 23:44:28 UTC
We're talking about the people who gave me horns and said a little man with wings on his shoes was my father. What, exactly, were you expecting, because I'm honestly curious if I should take back my previous statement about the correlation between your looks and your intelligence.


ishiah March 31 2008, 00:11:03 UTC
I'm sure future generations will rectify their mistakes and include the apron.


tehpuck March 31 2008, 00:12:37 UTC
There is no apron. There aren't any up to my standards, anyway.


ishiah March 31 2008, 00:22:14 UTC
Would you prefer the frills in nubian silk or brocade?


tehpuck March 31 2008, 00:23:09 UTC
That depends. Are you going to get me one?


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