Mar 30, 2008 13:43

Holly? Lock the door again. I know you said it was locked (didn't you?) but I don't trust your methods. Seven, you know, is a universally revered number, lock it and unlock it seven times. Just to make sure. It would be ridiculous for someone of my caliber to get stolen from, much less to have a break-in of any sort. Aren't we supposed to have anti-theft measures? Considering that we have two renowned thieves in the apartment, one of even passing merit, you'd think, wouldn't you?

And stay out of my room. I don't want it fowled up. Actually, that goes for all of you. I know I brighten every conversation with my involvement, or even association, but I can't have it anymore. Stay out and away.

...And close all the windows. People are watching. Honestly, who wouldn't want to watch me? But I won't tolerate it. I do have private business I'd rather not be broadcasted...

I'm going to go take another shower. No, you can't join me.

say hello to my ego, ocd curse, still reeling from the triplet story?, ho ho ho!, freud wore women's panties, o thank zeus, heroism can be so banal, holly, artemis, monogamous sex is rotting your brain, i r teh goodfellow, curse, hermes blow me

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