Mar 20, 2008 22:10
Well, that was horrific. Absolutely horrific. I may never recover, but that won't keep me from struggling, valiantly, onwards. For your benefit, if anything; what would you people do without me? Shrivel up and die, I'd expect.
Speaking of shriveling up and dying, I hope no one thinks that will be my coming course of action thanks to this most recent sorry little incident. I assure you, I plan to take it in stride! It's served a valuable lesson in what I never, ever want to be.
Lastly, Niko? You look wonderful in a dress.
makes you headdesk,
ishiah wouldn't be proud,
a to zed,
monogamous sex is rotting your brain,
the tags are back!,
or what? you'll hug me?,
sex is fun,
freud wore women's panties,
ho ho ho!,
still reeling from the triplet story?,
never say 1 word when 20 will do,
this entry has too many tags,
heroism can be so banal,
cheating is fun