Your magic is working.

Jul 18, 2009 17:17

Of all the times I have liked someone, really liked them, I always thought that they were the perfect match for me. Even after things started to crumble, I always insisted that it was just a "bad week", or perhaps we just needed a break. I always felt I needed to salvage my relationships. I never understood why, in my mind, things weren't working. I mean, surely things would've been better if we'd just tried harder.

Then I met him.

After he finally pulled up the courage to talk to me (and I wonder, why me? Why, out of all the prettier, taller, blonder girls in the town, he decided to talk to ME?), it was like magic ever since-- Like, everything pure. Like everything sweet. Like kitties, and rainbows, and pink ponies. Like all the things that little girls' dreams are made of.

It instantly began to feel like a match made in heaven. I just felt a strong connection, from the moment we met eyes. I just knew there was something special there.

I feel as if we're two jigsaw pieces that fit perfectly together. We are like complementary colours, not a shade too dark or too light or too different to distrupt the other's flow.

It's like when I am with him, everything is perfect. Nothing can harm me. I am indestructable wihen I am with him.

And by God, dear God, if this is true, if this is not really a dream, if he is who he claims to be, then I will be forever in your debt, whoever you are. He is like a gift from heaven to me, and if he promises to stay true, then I will dedicate my life to him, I will do whatever I can to make him happy, and promise to take care of him, in sickness and in health, and, dear God, can you not see I am head over heels for this man?

I will start praying every day, if there's even a small chance that they will help protect him, and keep him safe; because he already means so much to me, after knowing him for only a short time, and I don't want to lose him, ever.

I cannot say the big L word yet, because I have learned in the past, that if you say it too soon, more pressure is put on a fresh relationship. So, I will say that I have a strong liking for him, that may one day turn into love, after I learn more about him, and spend more endlessly fun, giggly, cuddle-filled nights with him.

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