When God closes a door...

Jun 18, 2009 14:51

Tomorrow, I turn 19. I don't really know how I feel about that. Well, of course I am excited to become one year older, and I hope that I will be taken more seriously being as such.

It seems like my whole year being 18 was spent trying to figure things out. I feel as if I was still a child this whole time. Still trying to figure out what to do with my life, deciding on if college is meant for me, deciding on where I want to live, trying to escape the dreadful, shady shadows of this town, and now a year has gone by, and I am still here.

However, I am starting to see this town, nay, this whole world in a new light. I am starting to understand the essentials to pure, simple bliss. I am learning that life isn't about where you live, or the size of your wallet, nor the number of friends you have, but rather, it's all about how you CHOOSE it to be.

I learned that if you surround yourself with positivity, then all the negative aspects of your life begin to disappear. Fill your mind with positive thoughts; surround yourself with positive people; take all the bad out of your life and replace it with good.

This concept sounds simple enough, but it is actually quite harder than it seems. It takes time, it takes patience, and most importantly to remember, it sometimes takes a few steps back in the opposite direction. There's no need to fret though, because sometimes when you take one step back, you are then able to take two steps forward, or maybe even three.

I learned that life all about how you manage your time. If you are choosing to spend all your time out on the town with your friends and none with your family, naturally you will start to grow distant from the latter.

I also learned that no single man or woman is worth getting so worked up over that you feel as if they need to be your everything. I am talking relationship-wise. I have been through enough shitty breakups over the past year to know that, while at the time the person may seem so amazing that they are more important that your own well-being, this is simply not the case. Sometimes you do need to cut yourself some slack and put yourself before others. It's not selfishness, but simply giving yourself credit for all the hard work you do in your own life.

And if it's the opposite, and you always put yourself before others, then wake up! Sometimes that little extra effort, a few extra words to give someone a complement, to let them know that you appreciate their company, can turn their day from a frown to a smiley face,

I also learned that you need to find a hobby for yourself, something that you enjoy. Even it's something as simple as writing poetry every now and then, pursue it. Hobbies bring joy to your life. They reassure you that you don't always need to be with a friend or be under the influence of something, to find inner peace. In fact, you might find the most inner peace and you are by yourself, doing a hobby that you enjoy, and being productive instead of sitting around watching TV or just sleeping to kill time!

Keep your mind busy. Always try to learn something new. Your spirit will feel better, refreshed.

I am in fact wearing a hat right now, which I crocheted last week. :) For me, crocheting is my way of winding down. When I am sitting alone in my house, or out in the woods somewhere (I find nature to be very soothing to the mind), creating usable items out of yarn, I feel better about myself.

Welp, that's all I have to say on that subject.

I was planning on having a huge birthday party this weekend, with lots of glitz and glamour, but I think I'd rather just have a small get-together with my close, well-trusted friends and family.

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