In a slump

May 24, 2009 15:12

Not quite sure what to do with myself anymore. I feel like I've lost interest in a lot of things. It's probably just because of the weather lately. My town's been getting pummeled with rain non-stop for the past week now. Many streets were underwater due to flooding.

However, I am going to stop over-analyzing why I'm so bummed over nothing, and just try to have a better week this time around. I need to find a hobby-- something that truly keeps me occupied, and happy.

Maybe I should work on a story. I do enjoy writing. It's therapuetic for me.

And I probably need to stop smoking so much weed! It's sad when your boyfriend comes to see you after work and you're more interested in what kind of smoking contraption he can construct with a green tea container and some chewing gum, as opposed to cuddling him.

I think it's mainly stress. I cope with stress by smoking. So when my boyfriend comes over to see me and I'm already in a bad mood, my priorities aren't exactly correct in my mind.

I definitely need to start going back to therapy. I need a vent. I need other people who understand me to give me tips on healthier ways to cope with stress.

Eeeek. I just can't wait until I start working again. It won't be much longer. >< Then I'll finally have money again and I can do things to keep my crazy little brain busy.
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