Stop it.

May 18, 2009 13:33

Every day, I try so hard to be happy. I plaster on a fake smile if I need to, and just try to believe that everything is alright.

But some people just manage to push my buttons. They push the fuck out of them, and when I get to a certain point, there's only so much pushing you can do before I begin to crack. I try to be nice and rational, but when the stress begins to build up inside me, I turn into a drastic, hormonal mess.

I recently broke up with my boyfriend of about 2 months because relationships are just too frustrating for me to handle sometimes. However, I decided to give it another try, after realizing how strong my feelings were for him.

He is truly a great guy. He's kind, sometimes a little too kind actually. He takes me out shopping, buys me dinner, buys me weed, basically he takes care of me.

But he is also absent minded, to an extreme. He has a really bad habit of making plans with me and then disappearing when the time comes for him to see me. I've explained my frustrations about his lack of prioritizing many times before, and yet he still does it.

It hurts me, because one day it seems like we're little puppy dogs in love, but then the next day, he's off straying to somewhere else.

I trust him to an extent. I know for certain that he would never run off to another girl. His friends always tell me that he's head over heels for me, and I see it too. I see that he tries really hard to keep me happy.

But sometimes I just wanna smack him over the head. He just doesn't understand that it doesn't matter to me what we do, or how much money he spends on me, just as long as I get to spend quality time with him. I could be completely satisfied sitting with him in an empty room, locked up all day, just as long as I get to be with him, to feel his touch, to hold him tight and never let go.

I love him. I'm falling hard for him, more and more each day. He's my goofy little companion. He's so important to me that sometimes I don't even realize it until I've yelled at him for some silly reason.

He keeps me sane. I'm a nervous wreck without him. I kind of need him right now. I just wish he'd be more interested in just BEING with me, instead of all the other things he gets distracted with.

He needs to stop getting so distracted!!!

And I need to stop getting so worked up over him, because I feel like I'm the only one getting frustrated. =(

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