Sitting in bed, eating bland cakes.

May 17, 2009 03:19

It is 6:19 in the morning.. That's actually my birthday digits. June 19. :D

I was just awoken by severe hunger growls. Unfortunately, there's really no good snack foods in the house that don't involve me using the noisy microwave, and I don't wanna wake the fam up, so I'm stuck eating those tasteless 35 calorie styrophome-like rice cakes.

Next week is my birthday month. I'm really excited. I'm hopefully getting a job soon at a gas station.. I hopeeeee. >_< I told the lady I'd do graveyard shifts. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe I'm setting myself up for more than I can handle. But I'll definitely try to work through it if that's what I end up doing.

Both of my aunts, who are nurses in New York, work long overnight shifts and they manage. I bet I could do it too. And I've always been more accustomed to the night owl lifestyle. Well, by God, I'm doing it right now. :) POSITIVE ENERGY FOR A NEW JOB.

There's this band that I REALLY love-- one of my favorites. They're called Animal Collective. They've often been described as "noise folk". They're basically a trippy band very popular amongst the indie community. They're coming here, to Florida, next month (right around my birthday). I preordered my ticket way back in February or March at the latest.

I figured their shows were going to sell out fast, and they did! Really fast, actually.

I was originally planning to go with a small group of friends, but we had a fallout. Friendships in this town are kind of ephemeral. It's really a lot of bullshit, like the plots you see in teen drama shows like 90210. Backstabbing, old lovers become new enemies, etc etc.

I was fortunate enough to sever the ties between a lot of that "unecessary weight" and I, but now I have nobody to carpool with to the AC show!

An "aquaintance" of mine (and I say this because we *have* hung out on several occasions, but he is a shady person and I prefer not to associate myself with him) wants to go to said show, but he is without a ticket. He messaged me on Myspace earlier this morning, offering to pay me $50 for my single general admission ticket-- that's practically TRIPLE of what I paid!

He does drive a hard bargain, and I am already down to the double digits in my bank account, so any little amount of money would really help me during this crucial time. HOWEVER, I am trying to look at this from a fan's perspective. I know this guy doesn't truly appreciate this band as much as I do, and I'm pretty sure he just wants to go to try to get laid, because he's a scumbag like that. And he's going to spend probably just as much, if not even more, money for drugs to fuel him through the night.

I'd rather go to the show alone than give up my ticket to someone who truly doesn't appreciate this band like I do.

But who knows. If I cannot find a ride (or a car!) in time for the show, then I'll have no choice. But there is no doubt in my mind that if I went alone, I'd meet quite a few interesting people at the show.

And I'm pretty sure the majority of the fans there are going to be tripping on acid or some crazy hallucinagenic, so there's gonna be a lot of extra friendly, crazy peeps. XD

Definitely a fun way to start off my birthday month.
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