American Horror Story = Twin Peaks

Oct 13, 2011 21:53

I think this guy summed up my thoughts about American Horror Story perfectly:
Slow-building horror seems like such a natural fit for serialized TV that it’s kind of amazing no one’s tried it at this scale before. (Successful horror series like The X-Files usually break down into a new horror movie every week.) On the one hand, you have to admire Murphy and Falchuk for trying; on the other hand, there’s no indication that the two understand what they’re doing or even how horror works, beyond the idea of tossing potentially scary things at the audience willy-nilly. There’s a way to blend horror, camp, and domestic drama, perhaps. After all, Rosemary’s Baby did it. But these aren’t the guys to make it happen on TV.

I will probably continue to watch it though.

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