"You are nothing like you are on TV"

Aug 23, 2011 00:06

Actually quite enjoyed this one. Maybe because we found out Sookie loves real Eric, not the neutered version, and we can all rejoice!

It is unfortunate she also seems to (think she) loves Bill again, or something, but the blood thing confuses everyone. She was quite dismissive of him once she recovered from her gunshot, so, good, I guess. I don't want them to go down that road again any time soon. My stance on this has been well established, but it just ruins Bill. And their opening scene was a convenient reminder of that, it was alarmingly season 3ish - what with Bill forgetting his duties and thinking of nothing but Sookie and snarling at Alcide for getting in his way.

On a superficial level the threesome dream were pretty and hot and amusingly soundtracked. Thank you for pandering to me.

The Lafayette storyline wasn't boring! It was all nicely resolved! And it never occurred to me that Alcide has never met Sam before (has Sam really been that far removed from Sookie's storylines?) Sam's new little family unit is sweet. Luna better last the season. Tara, again, realising she was in a sticky spot about two decades too late - irritating. I hope she comes out of this with a different perspective on vampires, if she absolutely insists on sticking around. Hopefully Eric will turn into an absolute BAMF next week when he snaps out of Antonia's control and then proceeds to fuck things up. I am sick to death of seeing him tugged around by the puppet strings. The problem with Antonia, I think, is that not only does she have the misfortune of following Russell Edgington as a villain, but she's the first bad guy to really lack the camp factor, and her agenda is grating as a result.

Jason and Jessica are DELICIOUS and WRONG. Their love triangle with Hoyt is actually more compelling than Eric/Sookie/Bill's. WHO KNEW?

Nan Flanagan was so good this week I didn't even notice Pam was missing (her "Jesus Fucking Christ" when Sookie showed up at the tolerance night? Cracked. Me. Up.) Pam and Eric's absence was not all that felt to me this week (this is worrying...)

I am enjoying the hell out of Debbie Pelt, I'm officially putting that out there.

I'm waiting on pins and needles for next week. Looks goooood. Circa "honesty my ass, you white suit motherfucker" level good.

tv: true blood

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