Promises to Yourself

Mar 03, 2012 17:51

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“In the final analy­sis there is no solu­tion to man’s progress but the day’s hon­est work, the day’s hon­est deci­sions, the day’s gen­er­ous utter­ances and the day’s good deed.” Clare Booth Luce
And now, the actual content:
The most impor­tant promises you’ll ever make in this life are the ones you make to your­self. I’ve lost sight of that fact, and bro­ken at least one of my promises to myself. I need to remind myself of a few of my promises to myself (these aren’t all of them, by any means).
  • I won’t allow any­one to act abu­sively towards me. The rule of thumb is that I shouldn’t accept treat­ment that I wouldn’t want for my child.
  • No part­ner is worth my self-​​esteem, so I won’t stay with a any­one who tears me down.
  • Any part­ner who tries to come between me and my child is history.
  • I deserve a part­ner who is faith­ful to me and our agree­ments in every sense of the word, and I won’t lower myself by stay­ing with some­one who breaks them. New adden­dum: For­give­ness for infi­delity is (at most!) a one-​​time thing.
  • My life task right now is to get health­ier in every realm of my life, and I can’t afford to asso­ciate with any­one detri­men­tal to my over­all health.

What promises have you made to your­self? How well do you keep them?

nablopomo, health, relationships

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