Mmmm, Chocolate!

Mar 04, 2012 12:31

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“A lit­tle more matri­archy is what the world needs, and I know it. Period. Para­graph.” Dorothy Thomp­son
And now, the actual content:
Plinky asks: Milk, dark, or white chocolate?

Dark Choco­late

My favorite is dark choco­late! The high­est cocoa con­tent around, please! I do try to go with the green, fair trade brands as much as pos­si­ble.

Milk choco­late is for chil­dren whose palates haven’t been edu­cated yet, and white choco­late (while yummy on straw­ber­ries) isn’t even real choco­late. We call it that for the sake of those poor souls who are aller­gic to any­thing con­tain­ing cocoa.

nablopomo, plinky, chocolate

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