And Weather

Mar 02, 2012 16:00

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“Let your reli­gion be less of a the­ory and more of a love affair.” G.K. Chester­ton
And now, the actual content:
That’s what March is usu­ally known for, and so far the month is true to form here in Atlanta. Thun­der­storms yes­ter­day, more pre­dicted for today. What’s dif­fer­ent is that it’s hot, nas­tily muggy. I don’t recall even being tempted to use the A/​C all year round until the last few years, but now it’s just about nor­mal. Hello, cli­mate change! And the A/​C isn’t work­ing here.

At least the cats enjoy hav­ing the win­dows open. They con­sider that an improve­ment over A/​C any day. And I like watch­ing the cats enjoy the fresh air. Cats embody “be here now” pretty well. It has been too long since I shared my life with a dog, but I seem to remem­ber them doing it per­fectly. I’m work­ing on it that myself.

zen, nablopomo, climate change, weather

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